psergus / ngWYSIWYG

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Ng-model is not working on IE #20

Open leozzitowned opened 9 years ago

leozzitowned commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to edit the content on IE (Versions 11, 10, 9), but the ng-model variable is not being updated on 'Edit Model'. When I apply a html element wrapping it (like "


"), it works. On Chrome and Firefox, it works well .

psergus commented 9 years ago

Can you paste the part of code here please?

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 4, 2015, at 1:02 PM, leonardo031195 wrote:

I'm trying to edit the content on IE (Versions 11, 10, 9), but the ng-model variable is not being updated on 'Edit Model'. When I apply a html element wrapping it (like "


"), it works. On Chrome and Firefox, it works well . — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

leozzitowned commented 9 years ago

This is the config i am initing:

vm.config = { sanitize: false, toolbar: [ { name: 'basicStyling', items: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '-', 'leftAlign', 'centerAlign', 'rightAlign', 'blockJustify', '-'] }, { name: 'paragraph', items: ['orderedList', 'unorderedList', 'outdent', 'indent', '-'] }, { name: 'doers', items: ['removeFormatting', '-'] }, { name: 'links', items: ['image', 'hr', 'link', 'unlink', '-'] }, { name: 'styling', items: ['size', 'format'] }, ], };

And this is the HTML CODE:

<wysiwyg-edit content="vm.communication.text" name="text" id="inputText" config="vm.config">

vm.communication.text is not being updated, only on IE as I said. I've tried with your example too, and it doesnt work either. To test, change to source mode, erase all content, come back to edit mode, type something and come back again to source mode. The content will not be updated.

Thanks for supporting!

psergus commented 9 years ago

you are right. I got the IE and started checking it. Looks like there is some bug with IE when ng-model's expression has unknown value. What workaround was working for you?

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 7:23 AM, leonardo031195 wrote:

This is the config i am initing:

vm.config = { sanitize: false, toolbar: [ { name: 'basicStyling', items: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '-', 'leftAlign', 'centerAlign', 'rightAlign', 'blockJustify', '-'] }, { name: 'paragraph', items: ['orderedList', 'unorderedList', 'outdent', 'indent', '-'] }, { name: 'doers', items: ['removeFormatting', '-'] }, { name: 'links', items: ['image', 'hr', 'link', 'unlink', '-'] }, { name: 'styling', items: ['size', 'format'] }, ], };

And this is the HTML CODE:

name="text" id="inputText" config="vm.config">

vm.communication.text is not being updated, only on IE as I said. I've tried with your example too, and it doesnt work either. To test, change to source mode, erase all content, come back to edit mode, type something and come back again to source mode. The content will not be updated.

Thanks for supporting!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Best regards, Sergey Petrenko

leozzitowned commented 8 years ago

For now, im initing the ng-model with a '

' value, and i'm inserting the content on it. When the ng-model comes back to null, I insert again the init value. Creating a "html wrapper" its working for now.

psergus commented 8 years ago

I see. Thanks for the hint :) I will try to dig and see if something can be done to it.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 3:21 AM, leonardo031195 wrote:

For now, im initing the ng-model with a ' ' value, and i'm inserting the content on it. When the ng-model comes back to null, I insert again the init value. Creating a "html wrapper" its working for now.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Best regards, Sergey Petrenko