The idea here is to facilitate the development process and the release process. To do that I have added gulp to the project and created a few gulp tasks. Since gulp tasks are installed via node, I have added a package.json file to keep track of development dependencies.
To use these workflows, first is necessary to install gulp globally and then install our dependencies:
# npm install -g gulp
# npm install
Development process
After that, to start gulp webserver, just run the following command:
The idea here is to facilitate the development process and the release process. To do that I have added gulp to the project and created a few gulp tasks. Since gulp tasks are installed via node, I have added a package.json file to keep track of development dependencies.
To use these workflows, first is necessary to install gulp globally and then install our dependencies:
Development process
After that, to start gulp webserver, just run the following command:
This will start a webserver locally, running on port 8000 (http://localhost:8000/)
Release workflow
Releasing a new version is quite easy as well:
The first command will generate all minified files (css and js) and will also copy all images from ./images/ to ./dist/images/.
The second, third and fourth commands are just normal git commands to push any new code to ngWYSIWYG repo.
The fifth command will bump the patch version (e.g. v0.3.4 -> v0.3.5) on bower.json and package.json, commit it and add a tag (v0.3.5 in that case).
The sixth command will push the new tag, making it available to anyone on the web.