pserwylo / herri

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Error with the github repository #16

Open BenSpecht opened 10 years ago

BenSpecht commented 10 years ago

The files within the repository are missing our leaflet, bootstrap, jquery and other libraries that we used meaning that when we do a pull we're missing all of that. Is this intended or should we be pushing this back up there. Also there is none of this on the tagged version for govhack, again is this intentional?

pserwylo commented 10 years ago

Hey ben, that client folder will probably get nuked soon. The files are all now in They are files that get sent out to the client by django, but it is a little more nuanced than that.

In the future, me or perhaps somebody else will get around to writing step by step instructions for setting up django and a postgres database on your computer, so that you can see how to run your own herri installation. This will make development a lot easier in the long run.

DanielKinsman commented 10 years ago

That's what vagrant + puppet is awesome for. Probably takes a little more time to set up at the start, but you only have to do it once. After that vagrant up and anyone can have an instant dev environment running. Plus it then gives you a great way to manage deployment and config on the server itself, so you can change hosting providers easily.

As an example I'm using it for publicwhip (see the vagrantfile and the puppet manifest).