Open timleung22 opened 6 years ago
I was able to resolve this issue with the use of -I / --proto_path which includes all the proto sources this particular proto depends on. Not ideal but at least, get the job done.
protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-doc=/Users/trpfe96/go/bin/protoc-gen-doc --doc_out=./build/doc --doc_opt=html,index.html --proto_path=$(pwd)/build/extracted-include-protos/main/ --proto_path=$(pwd)/src/main/proto/trp/ea/fusion/example/ example_service.proto
But the documentation didn't mention how to use the --proto_path option when using the docker container.
hey @timleung22 i had the same problem and found the same solution as you. but an extension or a how to for the docker-image would be nice
Is there anyway to pass the --proto_path option when using the docker container?
Is there anyway to pass the --proto_path option when using the docker container?
Looks like
passes along args so should be able to just pass them in to the docker run
. If not, you can override --entrypoint
and do whatever you want.
I got this working:
$ unzip $HOME/.m2/repository/com/google/api/grpc/proto-google-common-protos/1.14.0/proto-google-common-protos-1.14.0-sources.jar \
$ docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/out:/out \
-v $(pwd)/protos:/protos:ro \
-v $(pwd)/google:/google:ro \
pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc \
overrides the default proto_path
of the working directory I had to explicitly re-include it. Playing around inside the container indicates it would probably have worked perfectly if
had not set --proto_path
Theoretically, docker image can do apt-get update && apt-get install git && git clone wellKnown
and have in entrypoint something to automatically append wellKnown folder to proto_path (better also to support passing proto_path from docker run, so not override, but parse and append if necessary).
The problem which I encountered is that
protoc --doc_out=/out --doc_opt=markdown, --proto_path protos --proto_path wellKnown protos/*.proto
does not give timestamp's definitions to, only
protoc --doc_out=/out --doc_opt=markdown, --proto_path protos --proto_path wellKnown protos/*.proto wellKnown/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
does that.
Even though my proto already referencing google/protobuf/timestamp in import. So this means I'd have to duplicate the dependency in proto and whatever CI would run autogeneration.
Thank you so much for sharing this work-a-round as is literally saved my day, without this info one is simply stuck.
I installed the latest docker image
bash-3.2$ docker images pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc latest 97f2a3be38ef 2 months ago 88.2MB
I have a proto that imports a bunch of protos. For example, in examples.proto,
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "foo/protobuf/my_well_known_types.proto"; import "foo/api/swagger_annotations.proto"; import "foo/common/dictionary/foo_types.proto";
message Example { int64 exampleId = 1; string exampleAlternateId = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp exampleTimestampField = 3; string exampleStringField = 4; int32 exampleIntField = 5; int64 exampleLongField = 6; double exampleDoubleField = 7; foo.protobuf.BigDecimal exampleBigDecimal = 8; foo.protobuf.BigInteger exampleBigInteger = 9; google.protobuf.StringValue exampleNullableStringField = 10; google.protobuf.Int32Value exampleNullableIntField = 11; google.protobuf.Int64Value exampleNullableLongField = 12; google.protobuf.DoubleValue exampleNullableDoubleField = 13; Example childExample = 14; }
And I got this error when running docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/build/docs:/out -v $(pwd)/src/main/proto/example:/protos pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc
google/api/annotations.proto: File not found. foo/protobuf/my_well_known_types.proto: File not found. foo/api/swagger_annotations.proto: File not found. foo/common/dictionary/foo_types.proto: File not found.
followed with a bunch of "was not found or had errors" and "is not defined" errors. The same error was produced with the -doc_opt=:google/,foo/protobuf/,foo/api/,foo/common/dictionary/ option trying to exclude them.