I have checked in the docs and issues, didn't see this question asked by anyone else. I noticed that protoc-gen-validate is supported as one of the options on a message or field. I'm curious about adding support for protoc-gen-openapiv2 to expose OpenAPI fields to your doc tooling.
For example, I am working with a set of very large protobuf files that have put field descriptions in the grpc gateway openapi option. Here is an example:
message SomeMsg {
int32 some_field = 1
(grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_field) = {
description : "This is my field",
default : 5,
minimum : 0,
maximum : 10
I am interested in using this description field in protoc-gen-doc. I've tried several things to no avail and am curious if there is a quick solution using a template -- either the Go one or custom output (like MD or HTML).
I have checked in the docs and issues, didn't see this question asked by anyone else. I noticed that protoc-gen-validate is supported as one of the options on a message or field. I'm curious about adding support for protoc-gen-openapiv2 to expose OpenAPI fields to your doc tooling.
For example, I am working with a set of very large protobuf files that have put field descriptions in the grpc gateway openapi option. Here is an example:
I am interested in using this description field in protoc-gen-doc. I've tried several things to no avail and am curious if there is a quick solution using a template -- either the Go one or custom output (like MD or HTML).