pseudospectators / FLUSI

Fluid-Structure-Interaction / MHD Research Code. Relies on Fourier transforms for derivatives and the volume penalization method to include obstacles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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read_ini_file_mpi #16

Closed dkolom closed 7 years ago

dkolom commented 7 years ago

In read_ini_file_mpi, the first check inquire ( file=file, exist=exists ) if ( exists .eqv. .false.) then write (*,'("ERROR! file: ",A," not found")') trim(adjustl(file)) call MPI_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 86552, mpicode) endif is redundant and, in addition, the code fails at startup if the mpi processes don't share the same disk space. Maybe remove these lines.

tommy-engels commented 7 years ago

you're completely right, changes commited.

dkolom commented 7 years ago
