psewar / Raidfelden.Discord.Bot

A Discord Bot built to add Crowd Sourced raids and pokemon to Monocle maps
MIT License
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Requires tesseract 3.05, fails with tesseract 4.0 beta #2

Open bjmnbraun opened 6 years ago

bjmnbraun commented 6 years ago

OCR image scanning seems broken with tesseract 4.0 beta

1) The /tessdata folder in the repository doesn't work with tesseract 4.0, it complains about options set in the eng.traineddata file. 2) Even when using traineddata made to work with 4.0, it gives poor quality scans. Most scans return "This is probably not a raid image."

Using tesseract 3.05 works.

psewar commented 6 years ago

I personally did not try the bot with tesseract 4.0 at the moment, but yes the tessdata that is shipped with the bot is for version 3.05, other versions of tesseract require the corresponding versions of tessdata files.

Which traineddata files did you download to test with? If I remember right I read somewhere that there are different kinds of those tessdata files, like faster ones, which might not work so well.