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Revise resource form - Open Pull Request #15

Open meg-ray opened 3 years ago

meg-ray commented 3 years ago

Users must fill out a form to add a resource to the database. Some adjustments need to be made to the form including:

sijanonly commented 3 years ago

Hi @meg-ray , I will work on it.

sijanonly commented 3 years ago

For "adding help text", I am using 'placeholder' in order to include help text.

sijanonly commented 3 years ago

Need more clarification on following :

1. Making it possible to select more than one option from the dropdowns  -> We have three dropdown fields
   a. Requires signup
   b. user type
   c. python related 

 Do we need to make it multi-select for all these 3 fields?

2. Adding help text (SOLVED)  -> I used the placeholder to solve it.

3. Making the "Requirements" and "License" prompts optional (ALREADY SOLVED ?)  -> There are already optional 

4. Adding the ability to add multiple links and give each link a name.
 -> User can add three links in the current UI. (url1, url2, url3)
 -> We want to allow users to add multiple links?
 -> What do you mean by name? Currently, we have URL/description as fields. We are adding an extra field for 'name'?

5. Adding a field where users can specify whether the resource is an open-source project,
 an open education resource, free, or freemium (ALREADY SOLVED)
 -> I think it's already solved. currently use_type field. 
meg-ray commented 3 years ago

Per our conversation, updating this issue.