psi-4ward / stylepicker4ward

Contao Extensions: Let redakteuers easily select a css-class from a predefined list.
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Update popup.php #26

Open Xendiadyon opened 7 years ago

Xendiadyon commented 7 years ago

If we edit content in tl_news, we do not have layouts defined and thus we can't select any styles. We want to skip the layout query if we are dealing with entries in tl_news. Hence, we are able to pick all styles.

Fixing #25

psi-4ward commented 7 years ago

This seems not a valid solution.

You can add 'tl_news' to the switch block and define $layout=false and you can use the hook

Xendiadyon commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer. We do not want to pick styles for tl_news (yet).

The problem is that in the table tl_content (corresponding switch block tl_content), there are entries which belong to tl_article and entries which belong to tl_news. This can be distinguished by ptable: image

Now, if we deal with content in articles in pages, you can find out the layout and filter by layout. But if we deal with content in news in news-reader-modules in articles in pages, you can never clearly define which layout is used, as you can define multiple news-reader-modules in different articles/pages having different layouts. In this case, the "layout" definition is obsolete.

What you now do is to check the in tl_article (for example = 229) which gives you the section "header" (which has nothing to do with the actual placement of the news-entry) and the parent page id 30. image

Querying the = 30, you might get a layout (here: layout-id 7 which does not exist anymore). This layout (if returned) has nothing to do with the actual layout of the news-entry. image

If a (faulty) parent article is found (when = 229 as well as = 229), the default condition of the switch block is not performed.

Thus, the most convenient hack is to skip the layout and section definition (l. 89)

            case 'tl_content':
                $objContent = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT type,pid,ptable FROM tl_content WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($id);
                $id = $objContent->pid;
                $cond = $objContent->type;
                if ($objContent->ptable == "tl_news") break; // if we deal with news, use all layouts and all sections

if custom sections were implemented #24, one could argue to set $sec to the custom section "news".

The best solution would be to add options for news and news-elements to stylepicker. But this would be too complicated right now.