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Cannot deserialize model #17

Open rgerkin opened 3 years ago

rgerkin commented 3 years ago

From the examples/rate directory, if I do:

from mle_1g import build_model
model = build_model(25, 2)

json_data = model.to_json()
with open("model.json", "w") as f:

from keras.models import model_from_json
with open("model.json") as f:
    model_json =
loaded_model = model_from_json(model_json)

I get ValueError: Unknown layer: Rate from the Keras deserialization routine. I would think this is because the psiz.models.rate.Rate model is not registered, so I added the @tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package='psiz.models.rate', name='Rate') decorator to that model definition, but the problem did not go away. Looking at the json itself, the class_name is just "Rate", whereas other classes have a more instructive class_name attribute that seems to suggest a registered class. Until this is solved I am not able to deserialize models (though I can work around for now by simply reconstructing them in Python code).

roads commented 3 years ago

Hi @rgerkin,

This is a critical issue that is largely constrained by TensorFlow's serialization/deserialization of custom models and layers.

The short answer is that tf.keras does not currently support tf.keras.models.model_to_json() and tf.keras.models.model_from_json() for custom models. These functions only work for Sequential models or a Functional API models. Additional details can be found here:

For custom models, there are two options depending on whether you want to save to disk. 1) Save to disk: Use the PsiZ's custom functions and psiz.models.load_model() 2) Do not save to disk: Serialize all the components separately (i.e., architecture, weights, loss and optimizer).

Option 1

This option saves to disk, which may not be what you want. To achieve this there are custom save and load methods. To save/load you would have something like the following:

import psiz

model = psiz.models.Rate(...)
filepath = 'path/to/model/directory`  # Note the path is a directory not a file.

reconstructed_model = psiz.models.load_model(filepath)

With the release of TF 2.4, the default TF save and load methods should now be able to handle custom objects and layers. I'm currently working on a commit to take advantage of this. Adding a serialization decorator to the custom models (e.g., Rank and Rate) solves some problems for loading/saving models in TF 2.4, but I don't know if it will solve the to_json issue as well.

Option 2

If you do not want to save to disk, you can serialize the architecture, weights, loss and optimizer separately. Assuming your Rate model is called model and model_class corresponds to a model class constructor (e.g., Rate):

I have done my best to implement the get_config/from_config API for all custom models and layers. I say "my best", because I do not have full test coverage yet.

All of this could be combined into a custom to_json() and model_from_json() similar to the custom function I wrote for and psiz.models.load_model(). This is on my TODO list, but I'm not sure when I will get this implemented and fully tested. In the past, I have had problems using get_weights and set_weights with custom models, so it's critical that this functionality be tested thoroughly.

Hopefully this helps, let me know if you need to_json/from_json functionality for your application.

rgerkin commented 3 years ago

@colemanliyah found another way which was to just regenerate the model the same code that created it in the first place, then to load the weights. Will this work or will it be missing something? In any case it sounds like maybe we should just use the psiz custom save_model() and load_model() you described.

roads commented 3 years ago

Yes, that approach works. However, it is worth noting that if you ever want to smoothly resume training you will also want the state of the optimizer (e.g., momentum terms).

roads commented 3 years ago

The dev branch has been updated to require TF 2.4 and use TF 2.4 save/load (commit fa00fa8ba20073aaa2db8b5b2cf66a7f0602feaf). There is still an outstanding problem (see Issue #19), but it successfully replaces PsiZ's custom save/load strategy. Note that the save formats are NOT the same.

import tf.keras.model

# Save using TF 2.4 tf.keras.model save method.
fp = 'model_directory', save_traces=False)

# Load saved model.
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(fp)

Old models can still be loaded using psiz.models.load_model. The safest strategy is load old models and resave them using the new format. The old load/save strategy is now deprecated.

colemanliyah commented 3 years ago

@roads when I follow your example to save the whole model I get this error:

OSError: SavedModel file does not exist at: saving_whole_model/{saved_model.pbtxt|saved_model.pb}

where I saved the model with the name "saving_whole_model" Also saving the model only works if I do without the "save_traces" because when I add "save_traces" I get an attribute error. My thinking is that we may be using two different save() functions somehow.

The last point to mention is if I use the line


I get a value error saying that there is an unknown layer "BehaviorLog" ... so far I have only been able to get save and load to work if I do it with the weights as Dr. Gerkin mentioned above.

roads commented 3 years ago

Hi @colemanliyah,

Which version of psiz are you using? The new save/load strategy only applies if using the dev branch, but will be available soon in release 0.4.2.

In regards to the BehaviorLog error, I think this issue is tied up with the first issue. Having said that, the general pattern for loading models with custom layers is:

custom_objects = [BehaviorLog]
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(fp, custom_objects=custom_objects)

I've updated examples/rate/ on the dev branch with code that illustrates the save/load process.

colemanliyah commented 3 years ago

@roads oh I see, I was using an old copy of psiz and not the updated dev branch...thank you for your help with this

roads commented 3 years ago

No problem. Please don't hesitate to ask if you run into any other issues. The package is going through some growing pains, so there are many opportunities for confusion. I'm working on some proper documentation, but it still has a ways to go.