psolymos / clickrup

Interacting with the ClickUp v2 API from R
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Tibble output via tibblify #5

Open krlmlr opened 3 years ago

krlmlr commented 3 years ago

The tibblify package allows for a much more robust approach than jsonlite::fromJSON(simplifyVector = TRUE) . We can infer a schema from the data (as R code) and then use that schema when coercing the data to a tibble. This gives type stability at the highest level possible, while automating the generation of boilerplate code.

I used the following workflow:

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How do we proceed? Would you like to pick up from here, do you need more help?

@mgirlich: I'm not sure why I had to do 7a93fc7 manually, why this wasn't inferred from the data.

psolymos commented 3 years ago

Thank you @krlmlr this looks like a nice way of tibblifying the responses. Let me check your additions and try to do the same for a few more endpoints to see if anything unexpected comes up with the approach.

I also like the testing to be based on the mock Apiary server. This can be added to the cu_ functions too.

I am also wondering if adding the cuf_ functions can be automated using your workflow to add new functions and tests. I would like to either (1) keep related functions in the same file, or (2) be able to sort them to see those next to each other (cu-xxx.R and cu-xxx-tb.R for alphabetical sorting).

krlmlr commented 3 years ago


I added a few tests for cu_*() .

I only have a semi-automatic way of adding the cuf_*() wrappers -- see script/tibblify.R. Most likely we need to refine what tibblify::get_spec() returns; we also want to e.g. convert ClickUp times to proper times. I kept related functions in the same file.

psolymos commented 3 years ago

The date handling can be done as lcol_dat("dob", .parser = ~ cu_date_from(.x)) [not tested, just inferred from docs].

Do you think the inverse-tibblify could work for POST requests? Or should we restrict the scope here to GET requests?

krlmlr commented 3 years ago

Let's focus on GET first, need to understand the best structure for POST and friends.

krlmlr commented 3 years ago

One more thing: It might be useful to export the step that converts a cu_*() list to a tibble in a separate function, to aid debugging and reprexing.

mgirlich commented 3 years ago

@krlmlr Probably it was actually inferred from the data but just not printed as there was a bug in the printing :-/ Can you try out with the dev version?

krlmlr commented 2 years ago

I think the following getters would be most important in the beginning:

krlmlr commented 2 years ago

I'll take another stab here.

krlmlr commented 2 years ago

I added that describes the process and the next steps.

krlmlr commented 2 years ago

It looks like a few more days of work to complete this, including a test workspace and automated tests.

krlmlr commented 2 years ago

It looks like the mock API is still available, via . Need to double-check the access token.