Closed drm-git closed 7 years ago
SDL* libraries depend on pspirkeyb.
On Macs sorts by default are case sensitive, causing SDL to appear first in the list:
$ echo $(ls -1 $basepath/scripts/*.sh | sed -e "s/.*\///" -e "s/\..*//" | sort) SDL SDL_gfx SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_ttf angelscript bzip2 cmake-toolchain-script expat freetype jpeg libbulletml libmad libmikmod libogg libpng libpspvram libtremor libvorbis libyaml lua openal opentri pixman pspgl pspirkeyb pthreads-emb smpeg-psp sqlite squirrel zlib zziplib
With SDL being compiled first, it leads to errors such as:
./src/video/psp/SDL_pspevents.c:42:23: fatal error: pspirkeyb.h: No such file or directory #include <pspirkeyb.h>
Using sort -f (ignore-case) makes the sort work consistently across Macs and nix systems.
sort -f
$ echo $(ls -1 $basepath/scripts/*.sh | sed -e "s/.*\///" -e "s/\..*//" | sort -f) angelscript bzip2 cmake-toolchain-script expat freetype jpeg libbulletml libmad libmikmod libogg libpng libpspvram libtremor libvorbis libyaml lua openal opentri pixman pspgl pspirkeyb pthreads-emb SDL SDL_gfx SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_ttf smpeg-psp sqlite squirrel zlib zziplib
SDL* libraries depend on pspirkeyb.
On Macs sorts by default are case sensitive, causing SDL to appear first in the list:
With SDL being compiled first, it leads to errors such as:
sort -f
(ignore-case) makes the sort work consistently across Macs and nix systems.