pspete / psPAS

PowerShell module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security REST API
MIT License
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New-PASSession using -UseDefaultCredentials getting a hidden error in -ErrorVariable #355

Closed AaronG1234 closed 3 years ago

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

Describe the issue New-PASSession -UseDefaultCredentials -BaseURI 'https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ' -ErrorVariable Err is Recording an Error into the variable $Err, yet continuing. the module is working, except for the fact my code traps for Errors from that variable.

PS C:\Users\ZZZZZ>  $Err[0].Exception | select *

Status         : ProtocolError
Response       : System.Net.HttpWebResponse
Message        : The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Data           : {}
InnerException :
TargetSite     : System.Net.WebResponse GetResponse(System.Net.WebRequest)
StackTrace     :    at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.GetResponse(WebRequest request)
                    at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.ProcessRecord()
HelpLink       :
Source         : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility
HResult        : -2146233079

It is important to note New-PASSession does authenticate, many followup cmdlets do not work ####### Im working on a list to see if I can help narrow the issue##### Get-PASAccount, Get-PASAccountPassword, Set-PASAccount, Unlock-PASAccount, Invoke-PASCPMOperation, do work Get-PASSession, Get-PASAccountActivity 86_5 do not work (The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error)

Browsers from the same computer work fine (including checking for Account Activity, using Windows Auth from same user, same client computer as the scripts are running) ######################################################

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: ######## IMPORTANT, SEE ADDITIONAL CONTEXT #########

  1. New-PASSession -UseDefaultCredentials -BaseURI 'https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ' -ErrorVariable Err
  2. $Err
    Invoke-WebRequest : The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
    At line:209 char:19
    + ... $APIResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop

    Expected behavior

  3. New-PASSession -UseDefaultCredentials -BaseURI 'https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ' -ErrorVariable Err
  4. $Err <returns to command prompt because $err is $null>

Screenshots & Console Output If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Console Output Code Block:

Your Environment Include relevant details about your environment

Additional context WHAT CHANGED: Previous to this unexpected result,

therefore Kerberos was failing (since the ticket was made for the domain User, but the AppPool was run in Kernel mode by default and therefore using the computers credentials) and the site was falling back to NTLMv2


It is my opinion that the success of the Kerberos is causing an unexpected internal issue in psPAS (but that it is self handling), but the Error from the webrequest is not cleaned up if psPAS does successful continue (so psPAS itself does not 'write-error' or 'return an error' etc., but somewhere in the error stack there was a stop-able error and that error makes it into the cmdlet common parameter -ErrorVariable ____)

pspete commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report @AaronG1234 , let me study it to see if it is something that will be able to be reproduced - right now, the development environment is not configured for integrated authentication....

pspete commented 3 years ago

Can you see the address in the IIS logs which is related to the 500 error?

Just an idea, does the same issue occur with the following:

New-PASSession -UseDefaultCredentials -BaseURI 'https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ' -SkipVersionCheck -ErrorVariable Err


Get-PASAccount/Get-PASAccountPassword - both default to Gen2 API and are working for you Get-PASSession/ Get-PASAccountActivity - both involve Gen1 API /WebServices/PIMServices.svc/ addresses & not working for you.... as the version check uses a Gen1 address, wondering if skipping the version check means the error you see does not get raised.

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

New-PASSession -UseDefaultCredentials -BaseURI 'https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ' -SkipVersionCheck -ErrorVariable Err

returns no errors (helpful) Get-PASAccountActivity still returns 500 error (this particluar code is using this, but I can stunt this section for a little while)

Do you think that getting to CyberArk 12.1 will improve this?

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

This is where the 500 Error is


pspete commented 3 years ago

Do you think that getting to CyberArk 12.1 will improve this?

Going by the detail you've provided - it seems like only API calls which involve the /PasswordVault/WebServices/PIMServices.svc/ Gen 1 api calls are causing any error to be raised. Calls via Gen 2 /PasswordVault/api/ appear ok?

Be good to figure out why its not getting caught by the module during command invocation, but as some commands work, while others do not, it appears to be a server config issue.

62 & #106 could sound similar

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

Some Notes on making a PVWA with Windows Auth on PVWA

Setting up a URL that is NOT the hostname of your PVWA https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ/PasswordVault, where the website can be load balanced on multiple IIS servers AND use Windows Authentication:Kerberos (and therefore needs a common name, that is authorized to exactly one Principal in your forest)

First: Create/Designate a Domain User or gMSA account to run the Application Pools for PVWA Second: Create/Designate a DNS name that will resolve to your first PVWA server (for troubleshooting) Third: create an Service Principal Name for this IIS based Webserver, setspn -f -s http/fqdn_of_dns_name DOMAIN\User [Or gMSA]

Now proceed with the PVWA Install First Off: SIGN Everything (or make sure your environment doesn't need signed code, CYBERARK SCRIPTS HAVE NO ERROR CHECKING for this failure when the failure is because of Authenticode errors)

#WHERE $Cert = your signing cert, and the current directory is the unzipped PVWA Installation 
Get-ChildItem *.ps1,*.psm1,*.dll,*.exe -Recurse  |  Get-AuthenticodeSignature | ? {​​​​​$_.status -ne "Valid"}​​​​​ | % {​​​​​ Set-AuthenticodeSignature $_.path -cert $cert -IncludeChain notroot -TimestampServer -HashAlgorithm sha256 }​​​​​

After the Hardening and Registration:

  1. in Secpol.msc re-add Local Computer\Users to the Local Policy\User Rights Assignment: Access this computer from the network the hardening script is flawed if you are going to use Windows Authentication



    • On another computer with ActiveDirectory module (or adsiedit if you are that raw): 
    • add the computer object to the gMSA's [currently xxxx_PVWA_P] "PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword" Property in Active Directory (using set-adserviceaccount), do not accidentally remove other servers on the list.
  2. Install/validate the gMSA is available for use without using RSAT Tools (Hardening Script removes all unnecessary roles and features) so paste into Powershell from:

. C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\Use-ServiceAccount.ps1
PS C:\Windows\system32> 'xxxx_PVWA_P' | Use-ServiceAccount -Add
PS C:\Windows\system32> 'xxxx_PVWA_P' | Use-ServiceAccount -Query -Detailed


  1. add the user you will use for the APPPools to Windows Local\IIS_IUSRS group

  2. In IIS while selecting the Default Web site

    • open Management/Configuration Editor
    • system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication and set useAppPoolCredentials to True [APPLY]
  1. in IIS Application Pools

    • set Default Website and PasswordVault Application Pools to
    • run as fullyqualifiedSAMAccount [NBDomain\xxxx_PVWA_P$], and
    • have a idle-time out of 60 (or greater than the .NET time out)
  2. in cmd "as Administrator" .... run:

    cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
    .\aspnet_regiis -ga [NBDomain\xxxx_PVWA_P$]
    ::  .\aspnet_regiis -ga fullyqualifiedSAMAccount [NBDomain\SAMAccountname] #:: is a comment in batch
  3. while selecting Default WebSite

    • open HTTP Redirect
    • check Redirect Requests to this destination, Redirect All request to exact destination, and Only redirect requests to content in this directory.
    • set destination to: https://FQDNofAlias/PasswordVault/default.aspx
      Make sure DNS or host file points that FQDN to your server, Note: I go all the way to default.aspx because it skips a hidden redirect... Too Many Redirects will cause browsers to halt (they don't like to be clicked around)
  4. In the Local Windows Users, Find the CyberArk Scheduling User [PVWAReportsUser], set "Password Never Expires", and save

    • Update the password to a random password now (the old password was LOGGED if you had cmdline logging on),
    • then update the password in the service [CyberArk Scheduled Tasks] Password changes can be done manually or with CPM, but cannot be allowed to expire or bad things happen
  5. Add firewall rule allowing 80/443 in Local - Inbound - IIS 80,443 (CyberArk PVWA)

  6. Using Notepad (not Notepad++[according to CyberARk]) running as Administrator, open the IIS configuration file. By default, this is %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config  .

At the end of the file, add the following lines:

<location path="Default Web Site/PasswordVault/api/auth/windows/logon">
                    <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" useKernelMode="false">
                        <extendedProtection tokenChecking="None" />
                            <clear />
                            <add value="Negotiate:Kerberos" />
                    <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />

the above is MORE STRICT than CyberArks official Documentation, as it disallows NTLM Fallback, the orignal jsut Enables Windows Auth (which generally starts with NegotiateV1(which has Kerberos and NTLM) and then another line with NTLM,

<location path="Default Web Site/PasswordVault/api/auth/windows/logon">
                    <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />

Restart IIS (iisreset) or just reboot

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

Do you think that getting to CyberArk 12.1 will improve this?

Going by the detail you've provided - it seems like only API calls which involve the /PasswordVault/WebServices/PIMServices.svc/ Gen 1 api calls are causing any error to be raised. Calls via Gen 2 /PasswordVault/api/ appear ok?

Be good to figure out why its not getting caught by the module during command invocation, but as some commands work, while others do not, it appears to be a server config issue.

62 & #106 could sound similar

Yeah, everything headed to /api/... seems happy (as in 200)

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

P.s. I have to pause on digging in until my production code can finish :), I created a lean version that logged in, and did not read the status/history of the pasaccount. so far only Get-PASSession and the Activity are not working

AaronG1234 commented 3 years ago

Ok, definitely server settings... I brought up a new PVWA server and it does not have the issue. too bad I can't pinpoint why (the ApplicationHost.config are practically identical except for encryption for Identity Pool password

pspete commented 3 years ago

Probably Web.config bindings

pspete commented 3 years ago

Fairly confident the error originally reported would be related to this code.

There are numerous closed issues in this project which detail various causes and resolutions for 500 server errors encountered when using the API, the 2 linked to previously may help.

Closing this issue as no immediate changes to be made to the module. An update to Get-PASSession may make its way into a future release so that the session token can be extracted from the module scope to aide troubleshooting without relying on having to get the name of the logging on user (Gen 1 API again).

Feel free to comment if you want the issue reopening or find something which needs any update to the module's code.