pspete / psPAS

PowerShell module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security REST API
MIT License
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v4.5.90 against PVWA 11.4 Get-passafemember not returning the "authorize requests" permission #403

Closed Brogies closed 1 year ago

Brogies commented 1 year ago

Describe the issue Running v4.5.90 against PVWA 11.4 Get-passafemember not returning the "authorize requests" permission

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Safe with group defined of "Authorize Requests"
  2. get-passafe -safe %safename%| get-passafemember | fl
  3. Authorize requests not defined

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Looking for a true or false statement on the Authorize request perm for the safe member

Screenshots & Console Output If applicable, add screenshots and/or console output to help explain your problem.



Permissions : @{Add=False; AddRenameFolder=False; BackupSafe=False; Delete=False; DeleteFolder=False;
              ListContent=False; ManageSafe=False; ManageSafeMembers=False; MoveFilesAndFolders=False; Rename=False;
              RestrictedRetrieve=False; Retrieve=False; Unlock=False; Update=False; UpdateMetadata=False;
              ValidateSafeContent=False; ViewAudit=False; ViewMembers=False}

Your Environment Include relevant details about your environment

Additional context Apologies if this was already covered and fixed in a new version, Tried checking the different versions but havent seen any notes around this specific issue.

Brogies commented 1 year ago

When calling the specific username in the command such as: get-passafe -safe %safename% | get-passafemember -username %group% | fl, it correctly returns the full permissions listing:

Permissions : @{UseAccounts=False; RetrieveAccounts=False; ListAccounts=False; AddAccounts=False; UpdateAccountContent=False; UpdateAccountProperties=False; InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations=False; SpecifyNextAccountContent=False; RenameAccounts=False; DeleteAccounts=False; UnlockAccounts=False; ManageSafe=False; ManageSafeMembers=False; BackupSafe=False; ViewAuditLog=False; ViewSafeMembers=False; AccessWithoutConfirmation=False; CreateFolders=False; DeleteFolders=False; MoveAccountsAndFolders=False; RequestsAuthorizationLevel=1}

pspete commented 1 year ago

@Brogies - Is this different from the behaviour detailed in the command's help?

Note When using the Gen1 API & querying all members of a safe, the permissions are reported as follows:

List accounts (ListContent)
Retrieve accounts (Retrieve)
Add accounts, including update properties (Add)
Update account content (Update)
Update account properties (UpdateMetadata)
Rename accounts (Rename)
Delete accounts (Delete)
View Audit log (ViewAudit)
View Safe Members (ViewMembers)
Use accounts (RestrictedRetrieve)
Initiate CPM account management operations (<NOT RETURNED>)
Specify next account content (<NOT RETURNED>)
Create folders (AddRenameFolder)
Delete folders (DeleteFolder)
Unlock accounts (Unlock)
Move accounts/folders (MoveFilesAndFolders)
Manage Safe (ManageSafe)
Manage Safe Members (ManageSafeMembers)
Validate Safe Content (ValidateSafeContent)
Backup Safe (BackupSafe)
Access Safe without confirmation (<NOT RETURNED>)
Authorize account requests (<NOT RETURNED>)

If a Safe Member Name is provided, the full permissions of the member on the Safe will be returned as follows:

List accounts (ListAccounts)
Retrieve accounts (RetrieveAccounts)
Add accounts, including update properties (AddAccounts)
Update account content (UpdateAccountContent)
Update account properties (UpdateAccountProperties)
Rename accounts (RenameAccounts)
Delete accounts (DeleteAccounts)
View Audit log (ViewAuditLog)
View Safe Members (ViewSafeMembers)
Use accounts (UseAccounts)
Initiate CPM account management operations (InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations)
Specify next account content (SpecifyNextAccountContent)
Create folders (CreateFolders)
Delete folders (DeleteFolder)
Unlock accounts (UnlockAccounts)
Move accounts/folders (MoveAccountsAndFolders)
Manage Safe (ManageSafe)
Manage Safe Members (ManageSafeMembers)
Validate Safe Content (<NOT RETURNED>)
Backup Safe (BackupSafe)
Access Safe without confirmation (AccessWithoutConfirmation)
Authorize account requests (RequestsAuthorizationLevel)

You can also refer to this support article from the vendor: