pspete / psPAS

PowerShell module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security REST API
MIT License
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New-PASSession cloud with Azure IDP #469

Closed grvs1404 closed 1 year ago

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

Hey Pete, We are migrating from on prem Cyberark(11.4) to Cloud and I want to get our script working with the cloud. In my testing I am attempting to get a new-passession and failing with a strange error below:

> $loginResponse = New-SAMLInteractive -LoginIDP $loginURL 
> $token = New-PASSession -BaseURI $baseURL -SAMLAuth -samlresponse $loginResponse

> Get-PASResponse : Guru Meditation - HTML Response Received
> At line:355 char:21
>                      $APIResponse | Get-PASResponse
>                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (
> <!DOCTYPE htm...y>
> </html>
> :BasicHtmlWebResponseObject) [Get-PASResponse], Exception
>     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Get-PASResponse

I have not tried PS version 7 Has anyone gotten it working with the cloud and azure as the IDP?

pspete commented 1 year ago

That message is specific for scenarios where an unexpected HTML page is returned instead of an API response.

To help me help you, please try and authenticate outside the module, using invoke-restmethod or similar, and share the details of any request used which results in success.

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

Would you happen to have an example?

pspete commented 1 year ago

pspete commented 1 year ago

If you're just moving to cloud now.... are you sure it is not the shared services authentication path that should be followed? Have you federated cyberark identity to azure? Or have the pvwa servers been configured for saml auth?

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

Yes to both, we previously had on prem version of cyberark configured for saml using azure as the IDP. I have a previous ticket open with you and got it figured out with your help.

pspete commented 1 year ago

Checked the docs?

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

yes, the shared services unless im mistaken refers to Cyberark as the SP

I did find a previous comment you made

I tried to run that but it seems alls i can get it to return is html code

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

heres the output of invoke-webrequest.

StatusCode : 200 StatusDescription : OK Content : <!DOCTYPE html>

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

Running that with my URI gives me the following:

PS C:\Windows\system32> $body = @{'SAMLResponse' = $loginResponse;'apiUse'=$true;'concurrentSession'=$true}
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' `
-Uri '' -Body $body

<!DOCTYPE html>
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:)))?(:)?)((((?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/};if(!Array.prototype.forEach){Array.prototype.forEach=function(n,h){var j,i;if(this==null){throw new TypeError(" this is null or not defined")}var m=Object(thi
s);var g=m.length>>>0;if(typeof n!=="function"){throw new TypeError(n+" is not a function")}if(arguments.length>1){j=h}i=0;while(i<g){var l;if(i in m){l=m[i];,l,i,m)}i++}}}function f(g){if(g){g=g.toString().replace(d.pluses,"%20");g=decodeURIComponen
t(g)}return g}function c(j){var k=d.uri_parser;var h=["source","protocol","authority","userInfo","user","password","host","port","isColonUri","relative","path","directory","file","query","anchor"];var g=k.exec(j||"");var i={};h.forEach(function(m,l){i[m]=g[l
]||""});return i}function a(s){var r,g,j,m,q,t,o;var h=[];if(typeof(s)==="undefined"||s===null||s===""){return h}if(s.indexOf("?")===0){s=s.substring(1)}g=s.toString().split(d.query_separator);for(r=0,o=g.length;r<o;r++){j=g[r];m=j.indexOf("=");if(m!==0){q=f
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on(g){b.prototype[g]=function(h){if(typeof h!=="undefined"){this.uriParts[g]=h}return this.uriParts[g]}});b.prototype.hasAuthorityPrefix=function(g){if(typeof g!=="undefined"){this.hasAuthorityPrefixUserPref=g}if(this.hasAuthorityPrefixUserPref===null){retur
n(this.uriParts.source.indexOf("//")!==-1)}else{return this.hasAuthorityPrefixUserPref}};b.prototype.isColonUri=function(g){if(typeof g!=="undefined"){this.uriParts.isColonUri=!!g}else{return !!this.uriParts.isColonUri}};b.prototype.query=function(m){var j="
",h,k,g;if(typeof m!=="undefined"){this.queryPairs=a(m)}for(h=0,g=this.queryPairs.length;h<g;h++){k=this.queryPairs[h];if(j.length>0){j+="&"}if(k[1]===null){j+=k[0]}else{j+=k[0];j+="=";if(typeof k[1]!=="undefined"){j+=encodeURIComponent(k[1])}}}return j.leng
th>0?"?"+j:j};b.prototype.getQueryParamValue=function(j){var k,h,g;for(h=0,g=this.queryPairs.length;h<g;h++){k=this.queryPairs[h];if(j===k[0]){return k[1]}}};b.prototype.getQueryParamValues=function(k){var g=[],j,m,h;for(j=0,h=this.queryPairs.length;j<h;j++)
{m=this.queryPairs[j];if(k===m[0]){g.push(m[1])}}return g};b.prototype.deleteQueryParam=function(m,p){var g=[],k,o,j,n,h;for(k=0,h=this.queryPairs.length;k<h;k++){o=this.queryPairs[k];j=f(o[0])===f(m);n=o[1]===p;if((arguments.length===1&&!j)||(arguments.leng
th===2&&(!j||!n))){g.push(o)}}this.queryPairs=g;return this};b.prototype.addQueryParam=function(h,i,g){if(arguments.length===3&&g!==-1){g=Math.min(g,this.queryPairs.length);this.queryPairs.splice(g,0,[h,i])}else{if(arguments.length>0){this.queryPairs.push([h
,i])}}return this};b.prototype.hasQueryParam=function(j){var h,g=this.queryPairs.length;for(h=0;h<g;h++){if(this.queryPairs[h][0]==j){return true}}return false};b.prototype.replaceQueryParam=function(m,k,h){var j=-1,g=this.queryPairs.length,l,n;if(arguments.
QueryParam(m);this.addQueryParam(m,k,j)}return this};["protocol","hasAuthorityPrefix","isColonUri","userInfo","host","port","path","query","anchor"].forEach(function(g){var h="set"+g.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+g.slice(1);b.prototype[h]=function(i){this[g](i);re
turn this}});b.prototype.scheme=function(){var g="";if(this.protocol()){g+=this.protocol();if(this.protocol().indexOf(":")!==this.protocol().length-1){g+=":"}g+="//"}else{if(this.hasAuthorityPrefix()&&{g+="//"}}return g};b.prototype.origin=functi
on(){var g=this.scheme();if(this.userInfo()&&{g+=this.userInfo();if(this.userInfo().indexOf("@")!==this.userInfo().length-1){g+="@"}}if({;if(this.port()||(this.path()&&this.path().substr(0,1).match(/[0-9]/))){g+=":"+this
.port()}}return g};b.prototype.addTrailingSlash=function(){var g=this.path()||"";if(g.substr(-1)!=="/"){this.path(g+"/")}return this};b.prototype.toString=function(){var h,g=this.origin();if(this.isColonUri()){if(this.path()){g+=":"+this.path()}}else{if(this
if(this.query().toString()){g+=this.query().toString()}if(this.anchor()){if(this.anchor().indexOf("#")!==0){g+="#"}g+=this.anchor()}return g};b.prototype.clone=function(){return new b(this.toString())};if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define(functi
on(){return b})}else{if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&typeof module.exports!=="undefined"){e.Uri=module.exports=b}else{e.Uri=b}}}(this));

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            var encode64 = function(input, escapeInput) {
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                // So reencode these chars to so they can be transported as part of URLs safely
                // Replace + with -
                // Replace / with _
                // Trim =
                var base64Encoded = encode64(input, false);
                return base64Encoded.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=+$/, '');

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                    return resUrl;

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                                status = JSON.parse(status);

                                if(status.result === "success" && status.otc !== null) {
                                    // For now, we just tack on OneTimePass= and go!
                                    var successUrl = formatWithAddedArg(refurlObj.toString(), 'OneTimePass', status.otc);
                                    document.location.href = successUrl;
                                } else {
                                    // success == false || otc == null for some reason
                            } else {
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                            document.location.href = iwaInfos[index].InternalProxyURL + '?refUrl=' + encode64(refurl, true);

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                            timeout: iwaInfos[index].CheckServiceTimeout,
                            success: statusSuccess,
                            error: statusFailure,
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                                withCredentials: true

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pspete commented 1 year ago

That is not the expected session token returned... if you are 100% certain, as you stated previously, that your P Cloud PVWA is configured to directly accept SAML authentication from Azure - please check via your usual support channels for a resolution. For shared services.... appreciate that the available API authentication flows are entirely different:

grvs1404 commented 1 year ago

I think thats probably more than likely my issues, the API auth flows are different than they were and thats my issue. Ill look into this more and if i have issues I may reach back out. Thanks for assisting me and driving me down the troubleshooting paths!