I think that the first screenshots under this section is incorrect since it's already fixed with wrapping?
When it should look more like this:
When I incorporate the text wrapping code, like provided in the example, it works well but the text is oriented horizontally (left-right), not like the text in the example screenshot which is oriented veritcally (bottom-top):
# generate static column chart
xlabs <- levels(dt_2021_simprace$HRACE) %>% stringr::str_wrap(12)
own_race_chart <- static_column_chart(t=dt_2021_simprace,
x="HRACE", y="HINCP_median",
# moe="HINCP_median_moe",
# href="ref_val", hrefnm="Region",
# hrefcl='#00716c',
title="Regional Household Median Income by Race and Hispanic/Latinx Origin",
source="2021 American Commmunity Survey 1-year data",
xlabel=NULL, ylabel=NULL,
dec = 0, color="psrc_light") + theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(labels=xlabs) #+ scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) #alphabetical order
I'm not sure if the screenshot should be updated or if I am missing something? Also not sure if it would be beneficial to include a note on how to orient the text vertically or horizontally? Based on my output it seems that the default it horizontal.
I think that the first screenshots under this section is incorrect since it's already fixed with wrapping?
When it should look more like this:
When I incorporate the text wrapping code, like provided in the example, it works well but the text is oriented horizontally (left-right), not like the text in the example screenshot which is oriented veritcally (bottom-top):
I'm not sure if the screenshot should be updated or if I am missing something? Also not sure if it would be beneficial to include a note on how to orient the text vertically or horizontally? Based on my output it seems that the default it horizontal.