Closed MrichardsPSRC closed 1 year ago
Issue seems to be resolved by using a date type year field, instead of the numeric year field
# need to make the year column date format
lifeexpec_poc_trend$year_date <- as.Date((as.character(lifeexpec_poc_trend$year)),
format = "%Y")
# creating interactive line chart
line_option <- interactive_line_chart(t=lifeexpec_poc_trend,
x="year_date", y="health_ind",
est = "number",
color = "blues_inc",
dform = "%Y",
title = indicator_measure,
subtitle = "People of Color",
source = paste("Sources: Washington Tracking Network, Washington State Department of Health,", "\n", "U.S. Census Bureau, ACS 1-year, 2015-2020,", "\n", "2020 Census Tracts"))
I'm attemmpting to create an interactive line chart and the hovering tool tip is duplicated?