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Too recent GitHub pull requests included #362

Open susnux opened 4 months ago

susnux commented 4 months ago

If I run:

% did --since 2024-02-18 --until 2024-02-25 Status report for given date range (2024-02-18 to 2024-02-25).

The report includes this pr: Which was created: Feb 26, 2024, 6:15 PM GMT+1

This should not be included in the date range as the 26th is not in the range.

Felixoid commented 3 months ago

@psss I think it's because of these lines

It looks like for github every self.options.until should have changed - delta(days=1). WDYT?

For example, /usr/bin/did --width=0 --since=2024-03-12 --until=2024-03-12 --format=markdown --debug generates the next snippet:

 INFO  Searching for pull requests created by Mikhail f. Shiryaev <>
Mikhail f. Shiryaev <>
 DEBUG  GitHub query:

The given URL contains the next three PRs:


But what I need is actually this image

Pay attention to the created:2024-03-12..2024-03-12 on the latter screenshot.

Felixoid commented 3 months ago

A solution is presented in