Open C2Talon opened 3 years ago
Okay, looking at the log, it does not actually skip the equipping kramco step, but does explicitly equip the familiar scrapbook before adventuring. Which does not happen when the getaway camp buff is manually obtained.
pull: 3 Wrecked Generator
pull: 3 Frosty's frosty mug
pull: 1 Moon Pie
pull: 1 Ol' Scratch's salad fork
pull: 1 spice melange
pull: 1 emergency margarita
pull: 1 non-Euclidean angle
pull: 1 abstraction: category
You acquire an item: letter from King Ralph XI
Preference questM05Toot changed from started to finished
Created an empty checkpoint.
use 1 letter from King Ralph XI
You acquire an item: pork elf goodies sack
You acquire an item: disassembled clover
Created an empty checkpoint.
use 1 pork elf goodies sack
You acquire an item: porquoise
You acquire an item: baconstone
You acquire an item: porquoise
You acquire an item: baconstone
You acquire an item: hamethyst
Created an empty checkpoint.
use 1 astral six-pack
You acquire astral pilsner (6)
autosell: 2 baconstone
You gain 1,000 Meat
autosell: 2 porquoise
You gain 1,000 Meat
autosell: 1 hamethyst
You gain 500 Meat
Created an empty checkpoint.
buy 1 toy accordion for 142 each from Armory and Leggery
You spent 142 Meat
You acquire an item: toy accordion
Created an empty checkpoint.
chew 1 abstraction: category
You acquire an effect: Category (50)
Created an empty checkpoint.
chew 1 non-Euclidean angle
You acquire an effect: Different Way of Seeing Things (30)
Inspecting Cargo Cultist Shorts
picking pocket 37
Preference cargoPocketsEmptied changed from to 37
Preference _cargoPocketEmptied changed from false to true
You gain 462 Mysteriousness
You gain some Mysticality points!
You acquire an item: Cobb's Knob map
Preference questL05Goblin changed from unstarted to started
Preference lastCouncilVisit changed from 0 to 5
Preference questL02Larva changed from unstarted to started
Preference questL04Bat changed from unstarted to started
equip acc3 Powerful Glove
cast 1 CHEAT CODE: Triple Size
You acquire an effect: Triple-Sized (20)
Preference _powerfulGloveBatteryPowerUsed changed from 0 to 5
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from to mainstat
equip hat Iunion Crown
equip weapon Fourth of May Cosplay Saber
equip off-hand Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™
equip back unwrapped knock-off retro superhero cape
Took choice 1437/3: Change instructions to "Thrill Me"
Preference retroCapeWashingInstructions changed from hold to thrill
Took choice 1437/1: Change Superhero
Took choice 1438/2: Set to Heck General
Preference retroCapeSuperhero changed from vampire to heck
Took choice 1438/4: Change instructions to "Kiss Me"
Took choice 1437/6: I'm Done
equip shirt fresh coat of paint
You acquire an item: Letter for Melvign the Gnome
equip pants Cargo Cultist Shorts
equip acc1 Retrospecs
equip acc2 Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper
equip acc3 hewn moon-rune spoon
equip familiar miniature crystal ball
equip acc3 backup camera
equip off-hand familiar scrapbook
Preference nextAdventure changed from The Spider Hole to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Preference lastAdventure changed from The Spider Hole to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
[1] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Preference lastEncounter changed from The End of the Tale of Spelunking to Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Encounter: Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from to 20210728212356
Preference singleFamiliarRun changed from 0 to 73
Round 0: zdrvst wins initiative!
Stops here because my CCS. Hit the attack with weapon button and change the backup camera reverser so I can read and use the combat screen if needed again, as well as poke some other things:
Preference crystalBallMonster changed from to Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference crystalBallLocation changed from to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy gazes into the mini crystal ball. "Hey boss -- if you stay here, your next fight will be against a Knob Goblin Assistant Chef," they report.
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy notices your wounds, points his wand at you, and mutters "Neosporio Bandaidium!" You feel somewhat better.
Round 1: You gain 28 hit points
Preference scrapbookCharges changed from 0 to 1
Preference lastNemesisReset changed from 496 to 497
Round 1: zdrvst executes a macro!
Round 1: zdrvst attacks!
Round 2: Knob Goblin Assistant Chef takes 144 damage.
Round 2: zdrvst wins the fight!
After Battle: "Nice job! Go you!" Ralfoy Malfoy exclaims. "Thanks," you reply. "Oh, no, I meant the little you inside the crystal ball." they say. (+5 Stats)
After Battle: One of your Iunion stones absorbs a morsel of discarded sausage and gets slightly larger.
The crown gains +3 Muscle
You gain 18 Meat
After Battle: Ralfoy Malfoy waves his wand around and shouts "Prosperio Improvius!" He grins at you and dances around a little, but it seems sort of half-hearted.
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin tongs
You acquire an item: chef's hat
After Battle: You gain 3 Beefiness
After Battle: You gain 23 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 7 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!
After Battle: A mental X marks the spot in a bag of charcoal briquettes where you find a cache of mystical energy.
You acquire an effect: Cartographically Charged (5)
You gain 2 Soulsauce
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from to Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference testudinalTeachings changed from to 73:1
> afteradv time? 0
Took choice 1449/4: Enable Reverser
Preference backupCameraReverserEnabled changed from false to true
Took choice 1449/1: Toggle to Warning Beep
Preference backupCameraMode changed from meat to ml
unequip acc3
equip acc3 backup camera
equip off-hand Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™
equip familiar astral pet sweater
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from mainstat to mainstat
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from mainstat to mainstat
equip acc3 hewn moon-rune spoon
equip familiar miniature crystal ball
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from mainstat to mainstat
Preference relayCounters changed from 70:Semirare window begin:lparen.gif:80:Semirare window end loc=*:rparen.gif:11:Quantum Familiar loc=*:npzr.gif to 80:Semirare window end loc=*:rparen.gif:11:Quantum Familiar loc=*:npzr.gif
Preference relayCounters changed from 80:Semirare window end loc=*:rparen.gif:11:Quantum Familiar loc=*:npzr.gif to 11:Quantum Familiar loc=*:npzr.gif
cast 1 Feel Excitement
You acquire an effect: Feeling Excited (20)
Preference _feelExcitementUsed changed from 0 to 1
Run it again:
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from mainstat to mainstat
equip acc3 backup camera
equip off-hand familiar scrapbook
[2] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Preference crystalBallMonster changed from Knob Goblin Assistant Chef to
Preference crystalBallLocation changed from The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob to
Encounter: Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20210728212356 to 20210728212710
Round 0: zdrvst wins initiative!
Stops here because my CCS again. I use the attack with weapon again, followed by visiting the getaway camp for the exp buff:
Preference crystalBallMonster changed from to Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference crystalBallLocation changed from to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy gazes into the mini crystal ball. "Hey boss -- if you stay here, your next fight will be against a Knob Goblin Assistant Chef," they report.
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy notices your wounds, points his wand at you, and mutters "Neosporio Bandaidium!" You feel somewhat better.
Round 1: You gain 30 hit points
Preference scrapbookCharges changed from 1 to 2
Round 1: zdrvst executes a macro!
Round 1: zdrvst attacks!
Round 2: Knob Goblin Assistant Chef takes 141 damage.
Preference scrapbookCharges changed from 2 to 3
Round 2: Ralfoy Malfoy points his wand at your opponent and shouts "Pennzoilio Quakerstateum!" A jet of motor oil drenches your opponent, dealing 16 damage.
Round 2: Knob Goblin Assistant Chef takes 16 damage.
Round 2: zdrvst wins the fight!
After Battle: "The crystal ball predicts a bunch of loot in your future," Ralfoy Malfoy says. "And also that you will be trapped inside a giant crystal ball? Maybe I'm interpreting that wrong." (+50 Item Drops)
You gain 14 Meat
After Battle: Ralfoy Malfoy waves his wand around and shouts "Prosperio Improvius!" He grins at you and dances around a little, but it seems sort of half-hearted.
You acquire an item: chef's hat
After Battle: You gain 5 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 21 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 7 Smarm
You gain a Moxie point!
After Battle: A tiny corn field is shown on the map under a sleeping guard's helmet, but you just find some byproduct.
You acquire an item: bottle of whiskey
You gain 1 Soulsauce
Preference testudinalTeachings changed from 73:1 to 73:2
> afteradv time? 1
Gazing at the Stars
You acquire an effect: That's Just Cloud-Talk, Man (100)
Preference _cloudTalkMessage changed from to "GAUSE (#1197090) DOESN'T POST FOOT PICS FOR FREE (ANYMORE)"
Smoked by phreddrickkv2 (1515124)
Preference _cloudTalkSmoker changed from to Smoked by phreddrickkv2 (1515124)
Preference _campAwayCloudBuffs changed from 0 to 1
Run it again:
Maximizer: mainstat
Preference maximizerMRUList changed from mainstat to mainstat
equip off-hand Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™
equip acc3 hewn moon-rune spoon
equip acc3 backup camera
[3] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Preference crystalBallMonster changed from Knob Goblin Assistant Chef to
Preference crystalBallLocation changed from The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob to
Preference lastEncounter changed from Knob Goblin Assistant Chef to sausage goblin
Encounter: sausage goblin
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20210728212710 to 20210728213744
Preference _sausageFights changed from 0 to 1
Preference _lastSausageMonsterTurn changed from 0 to 543859
Round 0: zdrvst wins initiative!
Preference crystalBallMonster changed from to Knob Goblin Assistant Chef
Preference crystalBallLocation changed from to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Round 0: zdrvst casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy looks into their crystal ball and tugs on your sleeve. "Look out, there's a Knob Goblin Assistant Chef right around the next corner," they tell you.
Round 1: Ralfoy Malfoy notices your wounds, points his wand at you, and mutters "Neosporio Bandaidium!" You feel somewhat better.
Round 1: You gain 29 hit points
Round 1: sausage goblin drops 6 attack power.
Round 1: sausage goblin drops 5 defense.
Round 1: zdrvst casts STUFFED MORTAR SHELL!
Round 2: sausage goblin drops 6 attack power.
Round 2: sausage goblin drops 5 defense.
Round 2: zdrvst casts SAUCESTORM!
Round 3: sausage goblin takes 130 damage.
Round 3: sausage goblin takes 65 damage.
Round 3: sausage goblin takes 143 damage.
Round 3: sausage goblin drops 4 attack power.
Round 3: sausage goblin drops 5 defense.
Round 3: zdrvst wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 39 Mana Points
After Battle: Ralfoy Malfoy look into the crystal ball, and says "I see you gaining a lot of stuff." "Great! When?" you ask. "I don't know, I can't make out your wristwatch from here." (+50 Item Drops)
You gain 110 Meat
After Battle: Ralfoy Malfoy waves his wand around and shouts "Prosperio Improvius!" He grins at you and dances around a little, but it seems sort of half-hearted.
You acquire an item: magical sausage casing
After Battle: You gain 23 Strengthliness
You gain some Muscle points!
After Battle: You gain 51 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 18 Roguishness
You gain some Moxie points!
You gain 3 Soulsauce
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from Knob Goblin Assistant Chef to sausage goblin
Preference testudinalTeachings changed from 73:2 to 73:3
This combat did not cost a turn
> afteradv time? 2
Finally works
It somehow misses visiting the camp for the exp buff, then goes to equip the familiar scrapbook and other equipment (skipping the kramco equip step), goes to adventure in knob outskirts without having ever fought a kramco goblin and without a macro set, and aborts thanks to my CCS before it presumably does all the delay burn using actual turns instead of backups.
Manually visiting the getaway camp to get the camp buff and rerunning seems to get it to work after.