pstavirs / ostinato

Ostinato - Packet/Traffic Generator and Analyzer
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GUI icons too small #251

Open pstavirs opened 6 years ago

pstavirs commented 6 years ago

The current icon set used in the GUI is 16x16 - this is too small for hi-res displays. The OS does scale the icon suitably, but scaling up a 16x16 just results in a indecipherable blob

Need to look for a new icon set - preferably one in different sizes that can scale across resolutions. Possible alternatives at

Other alternative iconsets: fugue-2x and FatCow

pstavirs commented 6 years ago

@ehlers do you see this issue on OSX?

ghost commented 6 years ago

No, I don't have this issue. But I don't have a hi-res display, just 1920x1080.