psteinroe / supabase-to-zod

Generate Zod schemas (v3) from Typescript types generated by the Supabase CLI.
MIT License
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Running supabase-to-zod produses empty file with sinlge import #32

Open tonven opened 3 months ago

tonven commented 3 months ago

When I run pnpm supabase-to-zod --input types/supabase.ts --output types/schemas.ts on my supabase.ts file, which is not empty and looks correct, I get this schemas.ts: // Generated by ts-to-zod import { z } from "zod"; Is it not strange that file contains ts-to-zod? Does someone had this issue?


tonven commented 3 months ago

This is how my supabase.ts file looks like:

export type Json =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | { [key: string]: Json | undefined }
  | Json[]

export type Database = {
  graphql_public: {
    Tables: {
      [_ in never]: never
    Views: {
      [_ in never]: never
    Functions: {
      graphql: {
        Args: {
          operationName?: string
          query?: string
          variables?: Json
          extensions?: Json
        Returns: Json
    Enums: {
      [_ in never]: never
    CompositeTypes: {
      [_ in never]: never
  public: {
    Tables: {
      group_invites: {
        Row: {
          accepted_at: string | null
          created_at: string
          group_id: string
          id: string
          invited_by: string
          roles: string[]
          user_id: string | null
        Insert: {
          accepted_at?: string | null
          created_at?: string
          group_id: string
          id?: string
          invited_by: string
          roles?: string[]
          user_id?: string | null
        Update: {
          accepted_at?: string | null
          created_at?: string
          group_id?: string
          id?: string
          invited_by?: string
          roles?: string[]
          user_id?: string | null
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "group_invites_group_id_fkey"
            columns: ["group_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "groups"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
            foreignKeyName: "group_invites_invited_by_fkey"
            columns: ["invited_by"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "users"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
            foreignKeyName: "group_invites_user_id_fkey"
            columns: ["user_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "users"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
      group_users: {
        Row: {
          created_at: string
          group_id: string
          id: string
          metadata: Json
          role: string
          updated_at: string
          user_id: string
        Insert: {
          created_at?: string
          group_id: string
          id?: string
          metadata?: Json
          role?: string
          updated_at?: string
          user_id: string
        Update: {
          created_at?: string
          group_id?: string
          id?: string
          metadata?: Json
          role?: string
          updated_at?: string
          user_id?: string
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "group_users_group_id_fkey"
            columns: ["group_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "groups"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
            foreignKeyName: "group_users_user_id_fkey"
            columns: ["user_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "users"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
      groups: {
        Row: {
          created_at: string
          id: string
          metadata: Json
          updated_at: string
        Insert: {
          created_at?: string
          id?: string
          metadata?: Json
          updated_at?: string
        Update: {
          created_at?: string
          id?: string
          metadata?: Json
          updated_at?: string
        Relationships: []
      profiles: {
        Row: {
          first_name: string | null
          id: string
          last_name: string | null
        Insert: {
          first_name?: string | null
          id: string
          last_name?: string | null
        Update: {
          first_name?: string | null
          id?: string
          last_name?: string | null
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "profiles_id_fkey"
            columns: ["id"]
            isOneToOne: true
            referencedRelation: "users"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
    Views: {
      [_ in never]: never
    Functions: {
      db_pre_request: {
        Args: Record<PropertyKey, never>
        Returns: undefined
      get_user_claims: {
        Args: Record<PropertyKey, never>
        Returns: Json
      jwt_is_expired: {
        Args: Record<PropertyKey, never>
        Returns: boolean
      user_has_group_role: {
        Args: {
          group_id: string
          group_role: string
        Returns: boolean
      user_is_group_member: {
        Args: {
          group_id: string
        Returns: boolean
    Enums: {
      [_ in never]: never
    CompositeTypes: {
      [_ in never]: never
  storage: {
    Tables: {
      buckets: {
        Row: {
          allowed_mime_types: string[] | null
          avif_autodetection: boolean | null
          created_at: string | null
          file_size_limit: number | null
          id: string
          name: string
          owner: string | null
          owner_id: string | null
          public: boolean | null
          updated_at: string | null
        Insert: {
          allowed_mime_types?: string[] | null
          avif_autodetection?: boolean | null
          created_at?: string | null
          file_size_limit?: number | null
          id: string
          name: string
          owner?: string | null
          owner_id?: string | null
          public?: boolean | null
          updated_at?: string | null
        Update: {
          allowed_mime_types?: string[] | null
          avif_autodetection?: boolean | null
          created_at?: string | null
          file_size_limit?: number | null
          id?: string
          name?: string
          owner?: string | null
          owner_id?: string | null
          public?: boolean | null
          updated_at?: string | null
        Relationships: []
      migrations: {
        Row: {
          executed_at: string | null
          hash: string
          id: number
          name: string
        Insert: {
          executed_at?: string | null
          hash: string
          id: number
          name: string
        Update: {
          executed_at?: string | null
          hash?: string
          id?: number
          name?: string
        Relationships: []
      objects: {
        Row: {
          bucket_id: string | null
          created_at: string | null
          id: string
          last_accessed_at: string | null
          metadata: Json | null
          name: string | null
          owner: string | null
          owner_id: string | null
          path_tokens: string[] | null
          updated_at: string | null
          version: string | null
        Insert: {
          bucket_id?: string | null
          created_at?: string | null
          id?: string
          last_accessed_at?: string | null
          metadata?: Json | null
          name?: string | null
          owner?: string | null
          owner_id?: string | null
          path_tokens?: string[] | null
          updated_at?: string | null
          version?: string | null
        Update: {
          bucket_id?: string | null
          created_at?: string | null
          id?: string
          last_accessed_at?: string | null
          metadata?: Json | null
          name?: string | null
          owner?: string | null
          owner_id?: string | null
          path_tokens?: string[] | null
          updated_at?: string | null
          version?: string | null
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "objects_bucketId_fkey"
            columns: ["bucket_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "buckets"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
      s3_multipart_uploads: {
        Row: {
          bucket_id: string
          created_at: string
          id: string
          in_progress_size: number
          key: string
          owner_id: string | null
          upload_signature: string
          version: string
        Insert: {
          bucket_id: string
          created_at?: string
          id: string
          in_progress_size?: number
          key: string
          owner_id?: string | null
          upload_signature: string
          version: string
        Update: {
          bucket_id?: string
          created_at?: string
          id?: string
          in_progress_size?: number
          key?: string
          owner_id?: string | null
          upload_signature?: string
          version?: string
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "s3_multipart_uploads_bucket_id_fkey"
            columns: ["bucket_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "buckets"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
      s3_multipart_uploads_parts: {
        Row: {
          bucket_id: string
          created_at: string
          etag: string
          id: string
          key: string
          owner_id: string | null
          part_number: number
          size: number
          upload_id: string
          version: string
        Insert: {
          bucket_id: string
          created_at?: string
          etag: string
          id?: string
          key: string
          owner_id?: string | null
          part_number: number
          size?: number
          upload_id: string
          version: string
        Update: {
          bucket_id?: string
          created_at?: string
          etag?: string
          id?: string
          key?: string
          owner_id?: string | null
          part_number?: number
          size?: number
          upload_id?: string
          version?: string
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "s3_multipart_uploads_parts_bucket_id_fkey"
            columns: ["bucket_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "buckets"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
            foreignKeyName: "s3_multipart_uploads_parts_upload_id_fkey"
            columns: ["upload_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "s3_multipart_uploads"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]
    Views: {
      [_ in never]: never
    Functions: {
      can_insert_object: {
        Args: {
          bucketid: string
          name: string
          owner: string
          metadata: Json
        Returns: undefined
      extension: {
        Args: {
          name: string
        Returns: string
      filename: {
        Args: {
          name: string
        Returns: string
      foldername: {
        Args: {
          name: string
        Returns: string[]
      get_size_by_bucket: {
        Args: Record<PropertyKey, never>
        Returns: {
          size: number
          bucket_id: string
      list_multipart_uploads_with_delimiter: {
        Args: {
          bucket_id: string
          prefix_param: string
          delimiter_param: string
          max_keys?: number
          next_key_token?: string
          next_upload_token?: string
        Returns: {
          key: string
          id: string
          created_at: string
      list_objects_with_delimiter: {
        Args: {
          bucket_id: string
          prefix_param: string
          delimiter_param: string
          max_keys?: number
          start_after?: string
          next_token?: string
        Returns: {
          name: string
          id: string
          metadata: Json
          updated_at: string
      search: {
        Args: {
          prefix: string
          bucketname: string
          limits?: number
          levels?: number
          offsets?: number
          search?: string
          sortcolumn?: string
          sortorder?: string
        Returns: {
          name: string
          id: string
          updated_at: string
          created_at: string
          last_accessed_at: string
          metadata: Json
    Enums: {
      [_ in never]: never
    CompositeTypes: {
      [_ in never]: never

type PublicSchema = Database[Extract<keyof Database, "public">]

export type Tables<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof (PublicSchema["Tables"] & PublicSchema["Views"])
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"] &
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"] &
      Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Views"])[TableName] extends {
      Row: infer R
    ? R
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof (PublicSchema["Tables"] &
    ? (PublicSchema["Tables"] &
        PublicSchema["Views"])[PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Row: infer R
      ? R
      : never
    : never

export type TablesInsert<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"][TableName] extends {
      Insert: infer I
    ? I
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    ? PublicSchema["Tables"][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Insert: infer I
      ? I
      : never
    : never

export type TablesUpdate<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"][TableName] extends {
      Update: infer U
    ? U
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    ? PublicSchema["Tables"][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Update: infer U
      ? U
      : never
    : never

export type Enums<
  PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Enums"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  EnumName extends PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Enums"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Enums"][EnumName]
  : PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Enums"]
    ? PublicSchema["Enums"][PublicEnumNameOrOptions]
    : never
TomasHubelbauer commented 2 months ago

There was a problem with errors being ignored in certain cases of resolution errors. Can you try with 1.0.7 and see if it works or gives a better error message?

tonven commented 2 months ago

Hi. Thank you for response. I run it again it generates only import { z } from "zod"; without any warnings.

tonven commented 2 months ago

@TomasHubelbauer after I run it again, actually I got error and this info :)

Error: Some schemas can't be generated due to direct or indirect missing dependencies: dbPreRequestArgsSchema getUserClaimsArgsSchema jwtIsExpiredArgsSchema

Any ideas what should I do?

TomasHubelbauer commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately the underlying library doesn't provide any detail about the schemas that failed. What I did was comment all their fields out until there was no error and then added them back in. Primitive types are not going to be problematic, but I found some edge cases with compound types that proved to be the errors. Once you've found what the edge cases are, I can try and see if I can help add support for them.

tonven commented 2 months ago

Thank you for such fast response! All these dependencies comes from this library: Can it be that definition are missing there?

tonven commented 2 months ago

@TomasHubelbauer any ideas? Or maybe I can do more to give more input?

TomasHubelbauer commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to share your database.ts or is it not public?

tonven commented 2 months ago

@TomasHubelbauer I shared it several messages up :)

TomasHubelbauer commented 2 months ago

Sorry, my bad! I reproduced your issue and the problem is definitely with the arguments of the three functions it reports now.

There are four usages of PropertyKey, but no definition. I am not sure how that extension you link works, but most likely PropertyKey is defined in a schema different from public or it is a built-in (otherwise its definition should be included in CompositeTypes or supabase.ts and everything should work).

This library can't fix that issue, because it is a form of malformed input in a sense.

To fix your problem, I think you could manually add a definition of PropertyKey into CompositeTypes and then run this library/CLI tool on it. Unless you specifically need types for that as well, you might be able to define an empty composite type. If you are using those three functions in your code, you could also forcibly cast whatever the input to them is to any so the call works with the empty composite type.

Hopefully this is of some sort of help to you, sorry I can't help more. 🙏

tonven commented 2 months ago

Sorry, my bad! I reproduced your issue and the problem is definitely with the arguments of the three functions it reports now.

There are four usages of PropertyKey, but no definition. I am not sure how that extension you link works, but most likely PropertyKey is defined in a schema different from public or it is a built-in (otherwise its definition should be included in CompositeTypes or supabase.ts and everything should work).

This library can't fix that issue, because it is a form of malformed input in a sense.

To fix your problem, I think you could manually add a definition of PropertyKey into CompositeTypes and then run this library/CLI tool on it. Unless you specifically need types for that as well, you might be able to define an empty composite type. If you are using those three functions in your code, you could also forcibly cast whatever the input to them is to any so the call works with the empty composite type.

Hopefully this is of some sort of help to you, sorry I can't help more. 🙏

Thank you for reply!