psu-libraries / cho

Project for Penn State Library's cultural heritage object repository.
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Find and Replace #28

Open bmrgoldman opened 8 years ago

bmrgoldman commented 8 years ago

As a metadata specialist, I would like to search the entire repository for a specific metadata value, so that I can identify all fields (across collections) where the value exists and mass replace it.

Additional user story from Henry P.: As a quality control worker, I want a global find-and-replace with lots of specific options (e.g. limit to “collection,” to field, to try one as a test before doing the global, etc.), so that data quality can be maintained quickly and safely.

Additional user story from Jeff E.: As a metadata specialist I need to be able to globally edit metadata across collections using both string replacement and regular expressions so that I can make large numbers of changes without having to touch individual records and to ensure consistency across the database.

Additional user stories from Linda B: As a metadata manager, I need to be able to find and replace values in selected fields, for a selection of records (e.g., collection, or type), so I can change them quickly and consistently.

As a metadata manager, I need to be able to find and replace values in all fields, for a selection of records (e.g., collection, or type), so I can change them quickly and consistently.

As a metadata manager, I need to be able to overwrite values in selected fields, for a selection of records (e.g., collection, or type), so I can change them quickly and consistently.

As a metadata manager, I'd like to be able to preview find-and-replace edits before finalizing the change, so I can avoid unexpected matches.

Acceptance criteria: Able to scope find/replace functions to a single collection, all collections, or a selection of content. (Admin sets)

kestlund commented 8 years ago


ntallman commented 5 years ago

Should this functionaility be reserved for batch editing offline via CSV?