H1.page-title is now Roboto Slab and 48px with additional margin below
H2 - H6 font-sizes have been altered
H2 margin bottom is now 1rem.
All heading are not 700 weight
Additionally, this makes a few additional changes:
Changes font-size-root to 16px and font-size-base to 1.125rem. This allows us to REM values from storybook/psu.edu
Fixing a couple of bugs in the font family (Roboto 700+ not working, only need Roboto Slab 700)
Removed text-dark class from body since this was causing the body text to be slightly lighter than expected.
Note: This can cause issues if $font-size-root or $font-size-base variables are used in sub theme styles. (i.e. PSUL homepage and sidebar contact card)
Adjusting Heading styles:
Additionally, this makes a few additional changes:
Note: This can cause issues if
variables are used in sub theme styles. (i.e. PSUL homepage and sidebar contact card)