A web application for ingest, curation, search, and display of digital assets. Powered by Hydra technologies (Rails, Hydra-head, Blacklight, Solr, Fedora Commons, etc.)
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Increases color contrast for the blue and gray color variable. #1539
Updates the text color for the navbar, bradcrumbs, and the zebra stripe. The gray color needed to have a couple variables created to not affect other parts of the UI using the same color variable, but in a different context.
Adds a different hover state to the navigation to make the change visually more distinguishable.
Coverage remained the same at 61.476% when pulling 8454932f41a36665161d6d267dab4d06f82d737d on i#1525-contrast-issues into 2a544459702f495aeffe7418cf7fe286c05126c0 on develop.
Updates the text color for the navbar, bradcrumbs, and the zebra stripe. The gray color needed to have a couple variables created to not affect other parts of the UI using the same color variable, but in a different context.
Adds a different hover state to the navigation to make the change visually more distinguishable.
fixes #1525 #1526 #1527