psu-software-engineering-capstone / walktober

Walktober is a yearly fitness challenge at PSU and this project is to design a software platform for it. The platform is modern, responsive, improved design and analytics and simplified configuration. Let's create the best Walktober experience!
5 stars 3 forks source link

254 leave team #261

Closed marobertson11 closed 1 year ago

marobertson11 commented 1 year ago

Two changes to this: 1) Displays either team name or that the user doesn't have a team in the user's profile. 2) Implemented a "leave team" function in the teamHome page. This new leave feature takes in to account if the person is the team_leader. While it focuses on the the boolean in the user's document's data fields, the only reason this should be true is if they made the team or (as per this commit) previous leader left the team and they were the next top of the queue of who joined. So the first person to join the team, or whoever else has been in the team the longest. This also recalculates the team's totalStep count and the Average count. This will also remake the members list as well. Once this button has been pressed, it will reload the page, which will send the user to the team join page.