psv-format / psv.c

This is a reference implementation of a Markdown to JSON converter, designed specifically for parsing Markdown tables into JSON objects. It allows for easy conversion of Markdown documents containing tables into structured JSON data.
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schema? #7

Open mofosyne opened 2 months ago

mofosyne commented 2 months ago

There is an interesting effort by some archivist to create a schema for CSV.

The schema format looks like .

When PSV is developed further, we could explore similar external schema formats (or just leverage off csvs).

We could also try exploring the idea of integrating at least some inline schema to the header fields... e.g. [uuid4 unique] or [regex("[-\w\s,.]+")] so perhaps [] means inline column validation?

mofosyne commented 2 months ago

Other possible approach for inline schema?

| Field         | Description                     | Data Type | Constraints |
| ------------- | ------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- |
| ID            | Unique identifier               | UUID      | unique      |
| Name          | Name of the individual          | String    |             |
| Birthday      | Birthdate of the individual     | Date      |             |
| Occupation    | Occupation of the individual    | String    |             |
| Country       | Country of the individual       | String    |             |
| Favorite Food | Favorite food of the individual | String    | enum: ["Pizza", "Sushi", "Tacos", "Pasta", "Steak", "Croissant", "Paella", "Gelato", "Feijoada", "Ramen", "Irish Stew"] |

{#personnel schema = "personnel_schema"}
| ID                                   | Name       | Birthday   | Occupation       | Country   | Favorite Food |
| ------------------------------------ | ---------- | ---------- | ---------------- | --------- | ------------- |
| 0b32a75e-e190-4a71-b0e1-45e0d826584f | Alice      | 1994-05-15 | Software Engineer| USA       | Pizza         |
| 1e6e3e5a-f6cf-4b30-bc42-5365418604a1 | Bob        | 1989-08-20 | Doctor           | UK        | Sushi         |
| 9a7f548f-0854-4c23-bb39-1aefb48b47ae | Charlie    | 1996-12-10 | Graphic Designer | Canada    | Tacos         |
| d12cc354-8845-4dc2-91b0-d714f2a33ef3 | David      | 1982-03-25 | Teacher          | Australia | Pasta         |
| cf0294f1-8d71-4e01-9619-62ebfdd2a47d | Emma       | 1989-11-02 | Accountant       | Germany   | Steak         |
| e4fcb648-7f80-464d-9a0d-bc00ac9d5f58 | Frank      | 1979-06-30 | Chef             | France    | Croissant     |
| b5c79927-5250-4919-848d-68f0c5d2e11d | Grace      | 1993-09-18 | Nurse            | Spain     | Paella        |
| f0d31595-0d11-4f33-b9b1-c8b95eb354a1 | Henry      | 1987-04-11 | Architect        | Italy     | Gelato        |
| bfc1db9b-f9e1-4dd9-b1d1-22f74264e0e0 | Isabella   | 1991-07-29 | Lawyer           | Brazil    | Feijoada      |
| 149118b2-08e0-4e6a-bc6a-f56184f7a7fc | John       | 1980-10-05 | Scientist        | Japan     | Ramen         |
| b38e1601-60ff-4458-8ae5-6efdfaa69d0f | Mia        | 1997-02-28 | Writer           | Ireland   | Irish Stew    |