psy0rz / zfs_autobackup

ZFS autobackup is used to periodicly backup ZFS filesystems to other locations. Easy to use and very reliable.
GNU General Public License v3.0
583 stars 62 forks source link

Wiki Usage Missing #232

Closed natankeddem closed 10 months ago

natankeddem commented 11 months ago

This is the last commit with a Usage section in the Wiki. Was this intended? Was it moved somewhere else?

psy0rz commented 11 months ago

Yes, the full manual now explains all the options.

natankeddem commented 11 months ago

I see that now. The old table was a great way to reference all arguments together very quickly. This way is more verbose and I appreciate that as well. Is it a possibility to have both?

psy0rz commented 11 months ago

Yeah, i can add that previous paragraph to the new page.

natankeddem commented 11 months ago

I appreciate it, thank you!

psy0rz commented 11 months ago

Dont close or i forget :p

natankeddem commented 11 months ago

Sorry, I didn't want to clutter your Issues.

natankeddem commented 11 months ago

Not sure if this is helpful but I got chatgpt to turn the -help output into a formatted table...

usage: [--help] [--test] [--verbose] [--debug] [--debug-output] [--progress] [--utc] [--version] [--ssh-config CONFIG-FILE] [--ssh-source USER@HOST] [--ssh-target USER@HOST] [--property-format FORMAT] [--snapshot-format FORMAT] [--hold-format FORMAT] [--strip-path N] [--exclude-unchanged BYTES] [--exclude-received] [--no-snapshot] [--pre-snapshot-cmd COMMAND] [--post-snapshot-cmd COMMAND] [--min-change BYTES] [--allow-empty] [--other-snapshots] [--set-snapshot-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...] [--no-send] [--no-holds] [--clear-refreservation] [--clear-mountpoint] [--filter-properties PROPERTY,...] [--set-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...] [--rollback] [--force] [--destroy-incompatible] [--ignore-transfer-errors] [--decrypt] [--encrypt] [--zfs-compressed] [--compress [TYPE]] [--rate DATARATE] [--buffer SIZE] [--send-pipe COMMAND] [--recv-pipe COMMAND] [--no-thinning] [--keep-source SCHEDULE] [--keep-target SCHEDULE] [--destroy-missing SCHEDULE] [BACKUP-NAME] [TARGET-PATH]
Positional Arguments
BACKUP-NAME Name of the backup to select
TARGET-PATH Target ZFS filesystem (optional)
Common Options
--help, -h Show help
--test, --dry-run, -n Dry run, don't change anything, just show what would be done (still does all read-only operations)
--verbose, -v Verbose output
--debug, -d Show zfs commands that are executed, stops after an exception.
--debug-output Show zfs commands and their output/exit codes. (noisy)
--progress Show zfs progress output. Enabled automatically on ttys. (use --no-progress to disable)
--utc Use UTC instead of local time when dealing with timestamps for both formatting and parsing. To snapshot in an ISO 8601 compliant time format you may, for example, specify --snapshot-format "{}-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ". Changing this parameter after the fact (existing snapshots) will cause their timestamps to be interpreted as a different time than before.
--version Show version.
SSH Options
--ssh-config CONFIG-FILE Custom ssh client config
--ssh-source USER@HOST Source host to pull backup from.
--ssh-target USER@HOST Target host to push backup to.
String Formatting Options
--property-format FORMAT Dataset selection string format. Default: autobackup:{}
--snapshot-format FORMAT ZFS Snapshot string format. Default: {}-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
--hold-format FORMAT ZFS hold string format. Default: zfs_autobackup:{}
--strip-path N Number of directories to strip from the target path.
Selection Options
--exclude-unchanged BYTES Exclude datasets that have less than BYTES data changed since any last snapshot. (Use with proxmox HA replication)
--exclude-received Exclude datasets that have the origin of their autobackup: property as "received". This can avoid recursive replication between two backup partners.
Snapshot Options
--no-snapshot Don't create new snapshots (useful for finishing uncompleted backups, or cleanups)
--pre-snapshot-cmd COMMAND Run COMMAND before snapshotting (can be used multiple times.
--post-snapshot-cmd COMMAND Run COMMAND after snapshotting (can be used multiple times.
--min-change BYTES Only create snapshot if enough bytes are changed. (default 1)
--allow-empty If nothing has changed, still create empty snapshots. (Same as --min-change=0)
--other-snapshots Send over other snapshots as well, not just the ones created by this tool.
--set-snapshot-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,... List of properties to set on the snapshot.
Transfer Options
--no-send Don't transfer snapshots (useful for cleanups, or if you want a separate send-cronjob)
--no-holds Don't hold snapshots. (Faster. Allows you to destroy common snapshots.)
--clear-refreservation Filter "refreservation" property. (recommended, saves space. same as --filter-properties refreservation)
--clear-mountpoint Set property canmount=noauto for new datasets. (recommended, prevents mount conflicts. same as --set-properties canmount=noauto)
--filter-properties PROPERTY,... List of properties to "filter" when receiving filesystems. (you can still restore them with zfs inherit -S)
--set-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,... List of properties to override when receiving filesystems. (you can still restore them with zfs inherit -S)
--rollback Rollback changes to the latest target snapshot before starting. (normally you can prevent changes by setting the readonly property on the target_path to on)
--force, -F Use zfs -F option to force overwrite/rollback. (Useful with --strip-path=1, but use with care)
--destroy-incompatible Destroy incompatible snapshots on target. Use with care! (implies --rollback)
--ignore-transfer-errors Ignore transfer errors (still checks if received filesystem exists. useful for acltype errors)
--decrypt Decrypt data before sending it over.
--encrypt Encrypt data after receiving it.
--zfs-compressed Transfer blocks that already have zfs-compression as-is.
Data Transfer Options
--compress [TYPE] Use compression during transfer, defaults to zstd-fast if TYPE is not specified. (gzip, pigz-fast, pigz-slow, zstd-fast, zstd-slow, zstd-adapt, xz, lzo, lz4)
--rate DATARATE Limit data transfer rate in Bytes/sec (e.g. 128K. requires mbuffer.)
--buffer SIZE Add zfs send and recv buffers to smooth out IO bursts. (e.g. 128M. requires mbuffer)
--send-pipe COMMAND Pipe zfs send output through COMMAND (can be used multiple times)
--recv-pipe COMMAND Pipe zfs recv input through COMMAND (can be used multiple times)
Thinner Options
--no-thinning Do not destroy any snapshots.
--keep-source SCHEDULE Thinning schedule for old source snapshots. Default: 10,1d1w,1w1m,1m1y
--keep-target SCHEDULE Thinning schedule for old target snapshots. Default: 10,1d1w,1w1m,1m1y
--destroy-missing SCHEDULE Destroy datasets on target that are missing on the source. Specify the time since the last snapshot, e.g: --destroy-missing 30d
        <th colspan="2">usage: [--help] [--test] [--verbose] [--debug] [--debug-output] [--progress] [--utc] [--version] [--ssh-config CONFIG-FILE]
                        [--ssh-source USER@HOST] [--ssh-target USER@HOST] [--property-format FORMAT] [--snapshot-format FORMAT] [--hold-format FORMAT]
                        [--strip-path N] [--exclude-unchanged BYTES] [--exclude-received] [--no-snapshot] [--pre-snapshot-cmd COMMAND]
                        [--post-snapshot-cmd COMMAND] [--min-change BYTES] [--allow-empty] [--other-snapshots]
                        [--set-snapshot-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...] [--no-send] [--no-holds] [--clear-refreservation] [--clear-mountpoint]
                        [--filter-properties PROPERTY,...] [--set-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...] [--rollback] [--force] [--destroy-incompatible]
                        [--ignore-transfer-errors] [--decrypt] [--encrypt] [--zfs-compressed] [--compress [TYPE]] [--rate DATARATE] [--buffer SIZE]
                        [--send-pipe COMMAND] [--recv-pipe COMMAND] [--no-thinning] [--keep-source SCHEDULE] [--keep-target SCHEDULE]
                        [--destroy-missing SCHEDULE]
                        [BACKUP-NAME] [TARGET-PATH]</th>
        <th colspan="2">Positional Arguments</th>
        <td>Name of the backup to select</td>
        <td>Target ZFS filesystem (optional)</td>
        <th colspan="2">Common Options</th>
        <td>--help, -h</td>
        <td>Show help</td>
        <td>--test, --dry-run, -n</td>
        <td>Dry run, don't change anything, just show what would be done (still does all read-only operations)</td>
        <td>--verbose, -v</td>
        <td>Verbose output</td>
        <td>--debug, -d</td>
        <td>Show zfs commands that are executed, stops after an exception.</td>
        <td>Show zfs commands and their output/exit codes. (noisy)</td>
        <td>Show zfs progress output. Enabled automatically on ttys. (use --no-progress to disable)</td>
        <td>Use UTC instead of local time when dealing with timestamps for both formatting and parsing. To snapshot in an ISO 8601 compliant time format you may, for example, specify --snapshot-format "{}-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ". Changing this parameter after the fact (existing snapshots) will cause their timestamps to be interpreted as a different time than before.</td>
        <td>Show version.</td>
        <th colspan="2">SSH Options</th>
        <td>--ssh-config CONFIG-FILE</td>
        <td>Custom ssh client config</td>
        <td>--ssh-source USER@HOST</td>
        <td>Source host to pull backup from.</td>
        <td>--ssh-target USER@HOST</td>
        <td>Target host to push backup to.</td>
        <th colspan="2">String Formatting Options</th>
        <td>--property-format FORMAT</td>
        <td>Dataset selection string format. Default: autobackup:{} </td>
        <td>--snapshot-format FORMAT</td>
        <td>ZFS Snapshot string format. Default: {}-%Y%m%d%H%M%S</td>
        <td>--hold-format FORMAT</td>
        <td>ZFS hold string format. Default: zfs_autobackup:{}</td>
        <td>--strip-path N</td>
        <td>Number of directories to strip from the target path.</td>
        <th colspan="2">Selection Options</th>
        <td>--exclude-unchanged BYTES</td>
        <td>Exclude datasets that have less than BYTES data changed since any last snapshot. (Use with proxmox HA replication)</td>
        <td>Exclude datasets that have the origin of their autobackup: property as "received". This can avoid recursive replication between two backup partners.</td>
        <th colspan="2">Snapshot Options</th>
        <td>Don't create new snapshots (useful for finishing uncompleted backups, or cleanups)</td>
        <td>--pre-snapshot-cmd COMMAND</td>
        <td>Run COMMAND before snapshotting (can be used multiple times.</td>
        <td>--post-snapshot-cmd COMMAND</td>
        <td>Run COMMAND after snapshotting (can be used multiple times.</td>
        <td>--min-change BYTES</td>
        <td>Only create snapshot if enough bytes are changed. (default 1)</td>
        <td>If nothing has changed, still create empty snapshots. (Same as --min-change=0)</td>
        <td>Send over other snapshots as well, not just the ones created by this tool.</td>
        <td>--set-snapshot-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...</td>
        <td>List of properties to set on the snapshot.</td>
        <th colspan="2">Transfer Options</th>
        <td>Don't transfer snapshots (useful for cleanups, or if you want a separate send-cronjob)</td>
        <td>Don't hold snapshots. (Faster. Allows you to destroy common snapshots.)</td>
        <td>Filter "refreservation" property. (recommended, saves space. same as --filter-properties refreservation)</td>
        <td>Set property canmount=noauto for new datasets. (recommended, prevents mount conflicts. same as --set-properties canmount=noauto)</td>
        <td>--filter-properties PROPERTY,...</td>
        <td>List of properties to "filter" when receiving filesystems. (you can still restore them with zfs inherit -S)</td>
        <td>--set-properties PROPERTY=VALUE,...</td>
        <td>List of properties to override when receiving filesystems. (you can still restore them with zfs inherit -S)</td>
        <td>Rollback changes to the latest target snapshot before starting. (normally you can prevent changes by setting the readonly property on the target_path to on)</td>
        <td>--force, -F</td>
        <td>Use zfs -F option to force overwrite/rollback. (Useful with --strip-path=1, but use with care)</td>
        <td>Destroy incompatible snapshots on target. Use with care! (implies --rollback)</td>
        <td>Ignore transfer errors (still checks if received filesystem exists. useful for acltype errors)</td>
        <td>Decrypt data before sending it over.</td>
        <td>Encrypt data after receiving it.</td>
        <td>Transfer blocks that already have zfs-compression as-is.</td>
        <th colspan="2">Data Transfer Options</th>
        <td>--compress [TYPE]</td>
        <td>Use compression during transfer, defaults to zstd-fast if TYPE is not specified. (gzip, pigz-fast, pigz-slow, zstd-fast, zstd-slow, zstd-adapt, xz, lzo, lz4)</td>
        <td>--rate DATARATE</td>
        <td>Limit data transfer rate in Bytes/sec (e.g. 128K. requires mbuffer.)</td>
        <td>--buffer SIZE</td>
        <td>Add zfs send and recv buffers to smooth out IO bursts. (e.g. 128M. requires mbuffer)</td>
        <td>--send-pipe COMMAND</td>
        <td>Pipe zfs send output through COMMAND (can be used multiple times)</td>
        <td>--recv-pipe COMMAND</td>
        <td>Pipe zfs recv input through COMMAND (can be used multiple times)</td>
        <th colspan="2">Thinner Options</th>
        <td>Do not destroy any snapshots.</td>
        <td>--keep-source SCHEDULE</td>
        <td>Thinning schedule for old source snapshots. Default: 10,1d1w,1w1m,1m1y</td>
        <td>--keep-target SCHEDULE</td>
        <td>Thinning schedule for old target snapshots. Default: 10,1d1w,1w1m,1m1y</td>
        <td>--destroy-missing SCHEDULE</td>
        <td>Destroy datasets on target that are missing on the source. Specify the time since the last snapshot, e.g: --destroy-missing 30d</td>
psy0rz commented 10 months ago


natankeddem commented 10 months ago

I guess you didn't like the table. 😆

psy0rz commented 10 months ago

Nope sorry :p

natankeddem commented 10 months ago

No problem, thank you again for the quick response.