psych-214-fall-2016 / project-red

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Makefile? #34

Closed ctseng12 closed 7 years ago

ctseng12 commented 7 years ago

On piazza Matthew says:

"Any results or figures that you put into the report, we should be able to generate, using the instructions in the README, the more automated, the better."

Example project beta has a Makefile to automatically run a bunch of substeps for a step; e.g., running make preprocess_data will run all the preprocessing code. I'm thinking we can also do this for generating figures. For example, I'll probably have two figures in the report for segmentation - one from k-means and one from MRF-EM. In the Makefile I can write


so if someone runs make segmentation in the terminal, python will run and and generate two figures. The Makefile would be in the code folder.

Does this sound good?

ctseng12 commented 7 years ago

from group meeting: we're making a make file for figures