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How/where to author the structure of a viewer / editor #14

Closed jsheunis closed 1 month ago

jsheunis commented 1 month ago

With work being done on, it's becoming clearer (to me) that a mechanism is necessary for providing structure to the rendering of a viewer or editor of metadata, such that users will find it intuitive to interact with. So far, the use of SHACL's PropertyGroups and sh:order (on the level of property groups, and on the level of properties themselves, whether they are associated with a group or not) has proved to be a practical way to achieve such intuitive structure. See for example this screenshot of a local prototype:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 22 21 43

Properties of a Distribution are grouped into topical categories (Basic, Data, Parts, Provenance, etc) which are ordered, and in turn specific Distribution properties are associated with these categories and ordered within categories. This already provides more structure than a flat list of unordered Distribution properties.

The question is, though, where and how should this structure be provided?

In the example, the relevant PropertyGroups and their linkage (via sh:group) to specific property shapes have been injected into the turtle file that contains all SHACL node shapes for the LinkML authored Distribution schema, exported using gen-shacl. But this doesn't seem like a portable way to author a form structure.

Some thoughts:

jsheunis commented 1 month ago

could this all be done via LinkML? i.e. creating a class to represent a PropertyGroup and then a slot annotation representing sh:group that is added for each slot that one wants to add to a specific group? I haven't thought this through well enough...

In its current state, exports a ttl file with only sh:nodeShapes and associated sh:propertyShapes. It would not currently be able to export sh:PropertyGroups. It would be possible to change the code to do that, e.g. also include a list of sh:PropertyGroups from some source (tbd if that would also be linkml schemas or a sidecar ttl file for example).

Note: I am not sure whether this would be a general enough feature for a merge into upstream. It pertains mainly (only?) to schemas that are used to generate user interfaces, and would have no benefit (that I can think of) for validation e.g..

jsheunis commented 1 month ago

An idea could be to have a separate LinkML schema for the property groups. Then someone authoring a schema for the auto-generation of a UI should also provide a yaml data file with the property groups. A wrapping script, e.g. gen-shacl-ui could be called with arguments:

which will then: