psychoinformatics-de / studyforrest-data

DataLad superdataset of all project dataset components
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Implement a data testsuite #40

Closed adswa closed 3 years ago

adswa commented 3 years ago

The plan is to use bats to write a shell script that can check the integrity of the data

adswa commented 3 years ago

Change of plans, we will be using shunit2.

adswa commented 3 years ago

The current tests are in /data/project/studyforrest/anondata/tests, we can move them into the reconverted datasets once they exist.

adswa commented 3 years ago

Tests should be executed via datalad run. Once we have a converted dataset, we adjust paths in the tests, add it into a tests directory, and executed within a datalad run:

datalad run -m "run tests" \
    shunit2 tests/ && timestamp=$(date); echo "Successful test run on $timestamp \n" >> tests/test.log
adswa commented 3 years ago

It lives in /data/project/studyforrest/studyforrest-unit-tests now and awaits the conversion of @bpoldrack