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Substances should have a "other names" property. #14

Open ZeroEcks opened 5 years ago

ZeroEcks commented 5 years ago

Something like this would be ideal

    substances(query: "Cannabis") {


  "data": {
    "substances": [
        "name": "Cannabis",
        "alternativeNames": [ "Weed", "THC" ]
ZeroEcks commented 5 years ago

I would be willing to help add this if someone runs me over how I can deduce the alternative names.

Seems the mediawiki api doesn't return it as a simple property.

estiens commented 5 years ago

Here is the current list of aliases I have pulled into the caterpillar bot from the API, can spit out any way you want (CSV,JSON, YML) if you just want to parse

5-apdi: [iap]
methaqualone: [ludes, quaaludes, qualudes, mandrax]
alprazolam: [xanax, prazolam, ksalol, niravam]
4-ho-dpt: [4hodpt, 4-hydroxy-n, n-dipropyltryptamine]
benzydamine: [tantum]
aspirin: [acetylsalicylate]
a-pihp: [pihp]
hot-2: [hot2]
mebroqualone: [mbq]
4-epd: [4-ethylpentedrone]
yopo: [anadenanthera, "anadenanthera]
diazepam: [valium]
2c-c: [2cc]
psilocin: [4-ho-dmt, 4-oh-dmt]
2-fa: [2-fluoroamphetamine, 2-fmp, 2fa]
lsd: [lsd-25, acid, cid, lucy]
dom: [stp]
ethylone: [bk-mdea]
ayahuasca: [pharmahuasca, yage]
oxazepam: [serax]
methamphetamine: [meth, desoxyn, tik]
4-emc: [4-ethylmethcathinone]
4-aco-dalt: [4acodalt]
a-pvt: [apvt]
ketobemidone: [kbd]
cyclobenzaprine: [flexeril, apo-cyclobenzaprin, fexmid, novo-cycloprine]
adderall: [aderal, aderall, adderal, d-amphetamine, d-amph]
mbdb: [eden, methyl-j]
ept: [ethylpropyltryptamine, n,n-ethylpropyltryptamine]
huperzine-a: [h-a]
4-chlorodiazepam: [ro5-4864, 4'-chlorodiazepam]
2-pta: [4-methyl-2-pa, 2-(p-tolyl)acetamide]
2c-t: [2ct]
2-dpmp: [desoxypipradrol, 2dpmp, 2-desoxypiperadol, desoxypipradol]
3-fa: [3fa]
2-methyl-2-butanol: [2m2b]
piracetam: [nootropil, lucetam, noostan, breinox, oikamid, geratam, biotropil]
met: [methylethyltryptamine]
3-ho-pcp: [3hopcp]
25ip-nbome: [25ip]
pentobarbital: [nembutal, novopentobarb]
clonidine: [catapres, kapvay, duraclon]
pentazocine: [talwin]
nitemazepam: [3-hydroxynimetazepam]
4-ho-mipt: [4homipt, homipt, ho-mipt, 4-ho, miprocin]
hot-7: [hot7]
2c-t-2: [2ct2]
flutoprazepam: [restas]
rolicyclidine: [pcpy]
ethylphenidate: [eph]
2-mppp: [n-piperidinecathinone]
sinicuichi: [sini, shrubby-yellowcrest, sun-opener, heimia-salicifolia, willow-leaf-heimia]
4-fmc: [4-fluoromethcathinone, fpephedrone, flephedrone, 4fmc]
diphenidine: [dpd]
2c-g: [2cg]
4-aco-det: [ethacetin, ethylacybin, 4-acetoxy-det]
25h-nbome: [25h, 25-h-nbome]
zolpidem: [ambien, stilnox]
hydrocodone: [vicodin, hydro]
butyrfentanyl: [bf, b-f]
5-mapb: [5mapb]
pregabalin: [lyrica]
pcp: [angeldust, phencyclidine, angel, dust, angel_dust, wet]
5-htp: [5htp, 5-hydroxytryptophan, tryptophan, l-tryptophan, oxitriptan]
mbzp: [methylbenylpiperazine]
bromo-dragonfly: [bromo-d-fly, bdfly, bromo-dragon-fly, dob-dragonfly]
5f-akb48: [5f-apinaca, 5fapinaca, 5fakb48]
tramadol: [tram]
tetrahydrofuran-fentanyl: [thf-f, thff]
bromadol: [bdpc]
desmethylflunitrazepam: [fonazepam, ro05-4435, norflunitrazepam]
mk-801: [dizocilpine, mk801]
delorazepam: [nordiclazepam]
propofol: [milk-of-amnesia, diprivan]
alcohol: [etoh, beer, ethanol, booze, hooch]
pv-8: [a-phpp]
baclofen: [gablofen]
methoxyketamine: [2-meo-ketamine]
amfonelicacid: [aa, afa, win25978]
rilmazafone: [rhythmy]
4-fluoromethylphenidate: [4f-mph, 4-fmph, 4fmph, 4-fl-mph, 4-fluoro-mph]
5-iai: [5iai]
3-ho-pce: [3hopce]
etizolam: [etiz, etizest, etilaam, sedekopan, depas, etizola, inxity, zoly, lamet, towa]
deschloroetizolam: [etizolam-2]
4-meo-butryfentanyl: [4-meo-bf]
5-methyl-bk-mdea: [5-methyl-ethylone, 5-me]
nimetazepam: [erimin]
clorazepate: [tranxene, novo-clopate, tranzene]
tiletamine: [telazol]
methedrone: [bk-pmma]
palfium: [dextromoramide]
secobarbital: [seconal]
a-pvp: [alpha-pvp, apvp, alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, flocka, flakka, α-pvp, αpvp]
brotizolam: [lendormin]
valerylfentanyl: [vf]
indapex: [5-meo-tmt]
mescaline: [buttons, mesc, san, san-pedro]
bromazepam: [lectopam, lexilium, lexotan, brazepam, lexotanil]
4-mec: [4-Methylethcathinone, 4mec, 4-methylethcathinone]
vyvanse: [lisdextroamfetamine, lisdextroamphetamine, lisdexamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine]
parafluorofentanyl: [pff, 4-fluorofentanyl]
methyprylon: [noludar]
furanylfentanyl: [fu-f, furanyl-fentanyl]
ethylcathinone: [ethcathinone, e-cat, eth-cat]
o-desmethyltramadol: [odt, o-smt, o-dsmt]
opium: [O]
dipt: [diisopropyltryptamine]
adinazolam: [deracyn]
25t-2-nbome: [25t2-nbome]
mephedrone: [4-mmc, meow, m-cat, 4-methylmethcathinone, 4mmc]
4-fma: [4-fluromethamphetamine, 4fma]
cannabis: [weed, thc, marijuana, dagga, hash]
sonata: [zaleplon]
4f-pvp: [4f-a-pvp, pfpvp]
metizolam: [metiz, desmethyletizolam]
aleph: [dot, para-dot]
1b-lsd: [1b]
2c-b-fly-nbome: [2cbflynbome]
carphedon: [phenylpiracetam, phenotropil]
mxm: [methoxmetamine]
al-lad: [allad]
pst: [poppy-seed-tea, poppy-tea]
armodafinil: [nuvigil]
2-pa: [2-phenylacetamide]
ah-7921: [ah7921]
2c-t-7: [2ct7]
bupropion: [wellbutrin, zyban, amfebutamone]
zopiclone: [imovane, zimovane]
prolintane: [catovit, promotil, villescon]
2-chloro-ephenidine: [2-chloroephenidine, 2chloroephenidine, 2-cl-ephenidine, 2clephenidine]
diclofensine: [ro8-4650]
hdmp-28: [methylnaphtidate]
3,4-ctmp: [34ctmp, 3,4-dichloromethylphenidate]
hydromorphone: [dilaudid, diluadid]
hydroxyzine: [vistaril, atarax]
2-fea: [2-fluoroethylamphetamine]
clonazolam: [c-lam, clam]
ethaqualone: [etaqualone]
cyclopropylmescaline: [cpm, 4-cyclopropylmethoxy-3]
dmt: [n,n-dmt, dimethyltryptamine]
propylphenidate: [pph]
25n-nbome: [2-c-n-nbome, 25n]
oxymorphone: [opana, stopsigns]
mushrooms: [psilocybin, shrooms, mushroom, psylocybin]
6-apb: [6apb]
ethketamine: [n-ethyl-norketamine, nek, n-ethylnorketamine]
l-theanine: [theanine]
25b-nbome: [25b]
4-aco-mipt: [mipracetin, 4acomipt]
neb: [n-ethylbuphedrone]
sulbutiamine: [sulbut, arcalion, enerion, bisibuthiamine, youvitan]
4-ho-met: [4homet, homet, metocin, ethocin]
25e-nbome: [25e]
4-benzylpiperidine: [4-pmpd]
2-ai: [2ai, 2-aminoindan]
4-ho-dipt: [iprocin]
d2pm: [diphenylprolinol]
tilidine: [tilidate, tilidin, valoron, valtran]
2c-b-fly: [2cb-fly, 2cbfly]
cyclopentyl-fentanyl: [cp-f, cpf]
flunitrazolam: [fln]
dextropropoxyphene: [darvocet, co-proxamol, coproxamol, capadex, di-gesic]
placdyl: [placidyl, ethchlorvnol]
nordazepam: [nordaz, nordiazepam, desmethyldiazepam]
crl-40-941: [fladrafinil, fluoromodafinil]
modafinil: [provigil]
u-47700: [u47700]
3-fpm: [3fpm, 3-fph, 3f-phenmetrazine, 3f-p, 3fp, pal-593]
mt-45: [ic-6, mt45]
camazepam: [albego, limpidon, paxor]
nitrous: [laughing_gas, n20, n2o, nos]
acetylfentanyl: [acetyl-fentanyl, a-f]
prazepam: [centrac, centrax, demetrin, lysanxia, pozapam, prasepine, prazene, reapam, trepidan]
caffeine: [coffee]
crl-40-940: [flmodafinil, lauflumide, bisfluoromodafinil]
tuinal: [tuinol, chirstmas-trees, rainbows, beans, nawls, jeebs]
diethyl-ether: [ether]
methamnetamine: [methylnaphetamine, mnt, n-methyl-pal-287]
25c-nbome: [25c, 2c-nbome]
ald-52: [ald52, 1alsd, 1a-lsd]
pentylone: [4-meppp, bk-mbdp, bk-methyl-k]
1p-lsd: [1plsd, 1p]
4-fluoroethylphenidate: [4f-eph, 4-feph]
4-ho-det: [4hodet, 4-hydroxy-det]
2-fma: [2fma]
pfbt: [4-fluorotropacocaine]
isopropylphenidate: [iph, ipph, ippd, ipp]
flubromazolam: [f-lam, flam]
apap: [acetaminophen, paracetamol, tylenol]
dexedrine: [dextroamphetamine, dexamfetamine]
metaxalone: [skelaxin]
2c-t-4: [2ct4, 2c-t4, 2-ct4, 2ct-4]
ketamine: [k, ket, kitty, kittens]
methoxphenidine: [2-meo-diphenidine, methoxyphenidine, 2-mxp, mxp]
4-aco-met: [metacetin, 4-acetoxy-met, 4acomet]
fentanyl: [fent]
3-oh-phenazepam: [3-ho-phenazepam, 3hophenazepam, 3ohphenazepam, 3-ho-p, 3hop, 3-oh-p, 3ohp, 3-hydroxyphenazepam]
3-mmc: [3mmc, 3-methylmethcathinone, 3methylmethcathinone, 3-meph, 3-mephedrone]
5-mapdb: [5mapdb]
1,4-butanediol: [bd, 1,4-bd, 14bd]
2c-i: [2ci]
3-meo-pce: [3meopce, methoxyieticyclidine]
loprazolam: [dormonoct]
5-meo-dalt: [5meodalt]
deschloroketamine: [2'-oxo-pcm, dxe, dck, o-pcm, opcm, 2-oxo-pcm]
mipt: [n-methyl-n-isopropyltryptamine]
nitrazepam: [mogadon, baronite, dormin, dreem, enzed, gentravit, hypnonex, hypnoril, hypnotex, konit, nicare, nigap, nipam, nirosun, nitavan, nithra]
oxycodone: [oxy, oxycontin, percocet, oxynorm]
ethyl-pentedrone: [nep, n-ethylpentedrone]
lormetazepam: [noctamid]
methylphenidate: [mph, ritalin, concerta, biphentin]
6-mddm: [6-methylenedihydrodesoxymorphine]
25g-nbome: [25g, 25gnbome]
norflurazepam: [n-desalkylflurazepam]
temazepam: [restoril]
det: [diethyltryptamine]
oxiracetam: [neuractiv, neuromet, hydroxypiracetam]
glutethimide: [doriden, elrodorm, noxyron, glimid]
mdma: [molly, ecstasy, adam, xtc, mandy, x, md]
clonazepam: [klonopin, kpin]
2c-b: [bees, nexus, 2cb, 2cb, 2-cb]
am-2201: [am2201]
5-apb: [5apb]
2c-p: [2cp]
thiopropamine: [tpa, normethiopropamine, a-methyl-2-thipheneethanamine]
mxe: [methoxetamine, 3-meo-2'oxo-pce]
dramamine: [dimenhydrinate, gravol]
lsm-775: [lsm]
prl-8-53: [prl853]
5-eapb: [5eapb]
4-fa: [4-Fluoroamphetamine, 4fa, 4-fmp, 4-fluoroamphetamine]
aleph-2: [dot-2, dot2, aleph2]
mephtetramine: [mtta]
ibogaine: [iboga]
methallylescaline: [mal]
estazolam: [prosom, eurodin, elprazolam]
5-meo-eipt: [5meoeipt]
phenethylamine: [pea]
heroin: [diamorphine]
flurazepam: [dalmane]
5-it: [5-api]
25i-nbome: [25i, 2-c-i-nbome, 25-i]
clobazam: [frisium]
doet: [doe]
phenmetrazine: [preludin]
lorazepam: [ativan]
2-methylamphetamine: [2-ma]
ab-fubinaca: [ab-fub]
mexazolam: [melex, sedoxil]
4-mta: [4-methylthioamphetamine]
amt: [Alpha-methyltryptamine, alpha-methyltryptamine, alphamethyltryptamine, indopan, monase]
dihydrocodeine: [dhc]
mpa: [methiopropamine]
4-fluoropentedrone: [4-fpd, 4-f-pentedrone, 4f-pentedrone]
cinolazepam: [geroderm]
triazolam: [halcion]
mdpa: [methylenedioxyphenylacetamide]
allylescaline: [al]
hexen: [ethyl-hexedrone, n-ethylhexedrone, hex-en, n-ethyl-hexedrone]
buprenorphine: [suboxone, subs, bupe]
phenobarbital: [pheno, phenobarbitone, luminal]
bentazepam: [thiadipone, tiadipona]
dph: [diphenhydramine, benadryl]
marinol: [dronabinol, syndros, cesamet, δ9-thc, δ9--tetrahydrocannabinol, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, delta9-thc]
4-methylmethylphenidate: [4-mmph, 4-me-tmp, 4-metmp]
5-meo-dmt: [5meodmt, toads, 5-meo, 5meo, 5-medmt]
dpt: [dipropyltryptamine]
focalin: [dexmethylphenidate, dextromethylphenidate]
25b-nboh: [25bnboh, nboh-2cb, 2cb-nboh, 2c-b-nboh]
dxm: [dextromethorphan, robo, syrup, robotussin, dex, robitussin]
mephenmetrazine: [4-mpm, 4-methylphenmetrazine]
1p-eth-lad: [1pethlad]
methylone: [bk-mdma, m1, mdmc]
25t-4-nbome: [25t4-nbome]
atomoxetine: [strattera]
5-meo-mipt: [5meomipt, moxy, 5meo-mipt]
ronlax: [ethyl-loflazepate, meilax, victan]
librium: [chlordiazepoxide]
4-aco-dipt: [4-acetoxy-dipt, 4acodipt, ipracetin, iprocetyl, aces]
methoxyacetyl-fentanyl: [maf, desfluoroocfentanil]
propylhexedrine: [benzedrex, propylhexadrine, hexahdromethamphetamine]
mdea: [mde, eve]
4-aco-dpt: [4acodpt]
hdep-28: [ethylnaphthidate]
demerol: [pethidine, meperidine]
4-fea: [4-fluoroethylamphetamine]
bk-2c-b: [bk-2cb, bk-2-cb, b-k-2cb, b-k2cb, b-k2-cb, b-k2-c-b, b-k-2-c-b, bk2cb]
dehydroxyfluorafinil: [modafiendz]
noctec: [chloral-hydrate, aquachloral, somnos]
cocaine: [coke]
gabapentin: [neurontin]
2c-e: [2ce]
rti-111: [dichloropane]
aet: [alpha-ethyl-tryptamine, a-et, a-ethyltryptamine]
4-aco-dmt: [4acodmt, psilacetin, 4-aco, 4-acetoxy-dmt]
4-ho-mpmi: [lucigenol]
3-meo-pcp: [3meopcp]
2c-d: [2cd, 2c-m, 2cm]
4,4-dmar: [serotoni, 4,4-dmap]
medazepam: [nobrium, azepamid, rudotel, raporan, mezapam, talis]
carisoprodol: [soma]
mexedrone: [4-mmeoc]
5-meo-dpt: [5meodpt]
halazepam: [paxipam]
quazepam: [doral]
2-fdck: [2f-ketamine, 2f-ket, 2-fluorodeschloroketamine, 2-fl-2'-oxo-pcm, 2f-dck, 2fket, 2fdck]
centrophenoxine: [lucidril, meclofenoxate]
3-fma: [3fma]
dimemebfe: [5-meo-bfe]
alpha-php: [pv-7, a-php, aphp, α-php, αphp]
o-pce: [2'-oxo-pce, eticyclidone, opce, 2-oxo-pce]
25d-nbome: [2c-d-nbome, 25d]
2c-n: [2cn]
isoproscaline: [ip]
eth-lad: [ethlad]
lsa: [hbwr, morningglory, hbmg, Morning, ololiuqui, morning_glory, hbw]
flunitrazepam: [roofies, rohypnol]
methylmethaqualone: [mmq]
4-meo-pcp: [4meopcp]
4-ho-mpt: [4hompt]
dipipanone: [diconal]
parafluorobutyrfentanyl: [pfbf, 4-fluorobutyrfentanyl, 4-fbf]
25i-nboh: [nboh-2ci, cimbi-27]
5-meo-amt: [5meoamt]
nefiracetam: [nerfiracetam]
propranolol: [inderal, hemangeol, innopran]
3c-p: [3cp]
5-meo-nipt: [5meonipt]
quetiapine: [seroquel]
mdphp: [monkey-dust]
dalt: [n,n-diallyltryptamine, diallyltryptamine]
mdpv: [bath_salts]
pinazepam: [domar]
amphetamine: [speed, pepp, amphetamines, amphetamin, amfetamine, amph, hearts]
6-apdb: [4-desoxy-mda]
pce: [eticyclidine]
4-cmc: [4cmc]
5-meo-dipt: [foxy, foxy-methoxy, 5meodipt]
clotiazepam: [clozan, distensan, trecalmo, rize, rizen, veratran]
u-51754: [methene-u47700, methene-u-47700]
19h commented 5 years ago

@KnightHawk3 thanks for your idea!

We're currently considering implementing this. I'll keep you updated.

@estiens thanks for the list! That's definitely helpful when we create the respective properties in the articles.

ZeroEcks commented 5 years ago

@estiens Thanks for the list, super helpful. Would I be able to grab that as JSON? (tried my hand at quickly converting the one you supplied to json but it was tricky)

Edit: nevermind, I used to convert it. Thanks <3

estiens commented 5 years ago

Yup. I’m off grid for the next 5 days at a burn, but I’ll pop it here after that! Ping me if I forget.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 6, 2019, at 12:54 AM, Melody Kelly wrote:

@estiens Thanks for the list, super helpful. Would I be able to grab that as JSON? (tried my hand at quickly converting the one you supplied to json but it was tricky)

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dlbnco commented 5 years ago

Good one!

I would also consider aliases for the property name.

type Substance {
  # Alternative names
  aliases: [String]
estiens commented 5 years ago

Here's a JSON file of the above info

blyxyas commented 1 year ago

I'll have a look at this. Edit: I this issue can be closed, commonNames already exists.