psyho / bogus

Fake library for Ruby
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Unfriendly output on expectation failure #42

Closed skwp closed 10 years ago

skwp commented 10 years ago

Here's an seems like this expectation doesn't have a good to_s version of itself, as this is pretty unreadable

       Expected #<#<Class:0x007fa98af43810>:0x007fa98af62288 @__shadow__=#<Bogus::Shadow:0x007fa98af62148 @calls=[#<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:auction_ended_with_winner, args=[#<#<Class:0x007fa98afa25b8>:0x007fa98c40ff50 @__shadow__=#<Bogus::Shadow
:0x007fa98c40ff28 @calls=[#<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:id, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:end_time, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction metho
d=:end, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:has_high_bidder?, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:method_missing, args=[:stub, :has_high_bidder?]
, return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>], @stubs=[], @required=#<Set: {}>>>], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>], @stubs=[], @required=#<Set: {}>>> to have received auction_ended_no_bids(#<#<Class:0x007fa98afa25b8>:0x007fa98c40ff50 @__sh
adow__=#<Bogus::Shadow:0x007fa98c40ff28 @calls=[#<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:id, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:end_time, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bo
gus::Interaction method=:end, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:has_high_bidder?, args=[], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>, #<struct Bogus::Interaction method=:method_missing, args=[:st
ub, :has_high_bidder?], return_value=nil, error=nil, has_result=nil>], @stubs=[], @required=#<Set: {}>>>), but it didn't.

This results from expecting messages on fakes.

  let(:listener) { fake(NotificationListener)}
      it "publishes an ended_no_bids event" do
        listener.should have_received.auction_ended_no_bids(auction)

Any ideas if something unexpected is happening here? I could dig in and fix this..just want to know if maybe the usage is not anticipated?

wrozka commented 10 years ago

Strange, I've got much simpler error in your example:

Expected #<NotificationListener:0xceb044> to have received auction_ended_no_bids(#<Auction:0xd6a7f4>), but it didn't.

What version of bogus/ruby are you using?

wrozka commented 10 years ago

I'm closing the issue as it looks like it is fixed in the current version. Feel free to reopen it if you spot it again.