psyko-gh / overcrawlrr

Automated smart movies request for Overseerr/Jellyseerr
MIT License
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Support for Specifying Radarr/Sonarr Instance for Downloads in Multi-Instance Jellyseerr Setup #34

Open destrodxbad opened 1 week ago

destrodxbad commented 1 week ago


I am using Overcrawlrr to automate movie requests via rules and it has been very helpful. However, I have a multi-instance setup for Jellyseerr and I would like to know if it is possible to specify which Radarr or Sonarr instance should handle the download of a particular movie.

Currently, Overcrawlrr does not seem to have an option to direct requests to specific instances, which would be very useful in a multi-instance environment to better manage and distribute downloads.

Requested Feature:

An option in the rule configuration to specify the Radarr/Sonarr instance that should handle the request. Integration with multi-instance Jellyseerr setups to ensure requests are sent to the correct instance. Use Case: In a multi-instance setup, different instances may be configured for different genres, qualities, or sources. Being able to specify the instance would allow for more granular control over where movies are downloaded and how they are managed.

Expected Outcome:

A new field in the rule configuration UI where the user can select the specific Radarr/Sonarr instance. Enhanced integration with Jellyseerr to support multi-instance configurations. Thank you for considering this feature request!

Best regards,

psyko-gh commented 1 week ago


You're right, Overcrawlrr only support a single Overseerr/Jellyseerr setup for now. I'm quite confuse: do you have multiple Jellyseer instance, or multiple Radarr instances (or both) ?

So there are 2 requests:

  1. feature 1: allow the configuration of multiple Jellyseerr servers,
  2. feature 2: allow to specify which instance of Radarr to use in a specific Jellyseerr server

Is that correct ?

For the time being, Overcrawlrr does not support TV shows, so Sonarr is not yet relevant in this issue.

destrodxbad commented 1 week ago

I apologize for the confusion in my initial request. Let me clarify: To be precise:

  1. I have only one instance of Jellyseerr.
  2. Within this single Jellyseerr instance, I have three different Radarr instances configured.

My request is specifically about the second feature you mentioned:

Feature 2: Allow specifying which Radarr instance to use within the single Jellyseerr server.

The reason for this setup is that I use different Radarr instances for different types of content. For example:

-One Radarr instance for documentaries -Another Radarr instance for feature films

It would be very useful if Overcrawlrr could allow us to define a specific Radarr server for downloads based on rules. This way, we could automate requests to go to the appropriate Radarr instance based on the type of content.

psyko-gh commented 1 week ago

No worries, thx for the clarification. Your request makes sense. I'm just wondering at which level should this be specified ?

Could you please share your rules configuration ( ❗ be careful not to share your secrets and passwords) to show me on which basis you would made the decision of the Radarr server to chose ?

At the rule level, the setting could be something like:

    - name: Acceptable sci-fi movie
        - genre:
            - science-fiction
        - score: above 5
      action: accept
        - radarr: the-name-of-the-instance

This feature might also be the opportunity to add a 4k settings, since Overseerr (and probably Jellyseerr) supports 2 default Radarr server: one for 4K and one for non-4K

destrodxbad commented 6 days ago

I agree that implementing it at the rule level would be the most flexible way to go.

Here's my current config:

    apiUrl: http://jellyseerr:5055/api/v1
    user: '****'
    password: '****'
    dryRun: false
    cron: '0 3 * * *'
      - upcoming
      - popular
      - trending
    ruleset: films
    - name: films
      extends: documentaires
        - name: Accepter tous les films
            - adult: no
          action: accept
    - name: documentaires
      extends: spectacles
        - name: Refuser les documentaires
            - genre:
                - Documentaire
          action: reject
    - name: spectacles
        - name: Refuser les spectacles
            - keyword:
              - one-man show
              - one woman show
              - sketch
          action: reject
        - name: Refuser les films sans writer
              - crew:
                  job: Writer
                    - "*"
          action: reject

Right now, as you can see, I've got a rule that accepts all movies and filters out documentaries and shows to download only movies.

Additionally, I would like to inquire about the potential support for Sonarr. Is this something that is currently planned or under consideration for future development?

psyko-gh commented 5 days ago

I will probably try and implement this radarr selection at rules level. In your example, it means that the films ruleset won't be able to extend documentaires anymore, as you probably will have to configure documentaires to use the radarr-documentaires (or whatever you named it)

As for the support of Sonarr, I imagine it's possible. I simply did not implement it because I had no need for it. I will give it a try, but I can't give you any date on this...

destrodxbad commented 5 days ago

Ok, great. Thanks for your work on this!