psykokwak-com / everblu-meters-esp8266

Fetch water usage data from Cyble meters for esp8266
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Questions et Suggestions #2

Closed xekil closed 2 years ago

xekil commented 2 years ago

Bonjour et merci une nouvelle fois pour ce projet :)

J'aurais quelques questions et suggestions concernant le fonctionnement :

Avec la dernière version (OTA), j'ai remarqué que l'interrogation du compteur s'effectue à 12:00, et qu'elle ne s'effectue plus lors de la mise en route de l'ESP ou du flash, il est donc nécessaire d'adapter la zone de temps en fonction de notre pays.

Lors du test de fréquence, j'ai obtenu 433.861681, la lecture serait elle plus fiable avec :

Est-il possible de rajouter des capteurs MQTT pour Home Assistant :

Enfin, avoir un accès au Debug en WIFI serait vraiment bien, j'ai trouvé quelques projets intéressants.

Terminal via client Telnet

Terminal Http

PS : J'écris en français car il semble que nous soyons majoritairement des français à utiliser ce projet.


GSzabados commented 2 years ago

PS2 : J'écris en français car il semble que nous soyons majoritairement des français à utiliser ce projet.

I actually do not speak French and use it in Poland, because my city installed Itron AnyQuest Cyble meters...

The guy who made the previous project implementing the original code with MQTT support on Raspberry Pi Zero, is from Poland as well.

GSzabados commented 2 years ago
  • Avec 433.86157 ça semble fonctionner correctement.

The meter has a very large tolerance for the weak up signal. (maybe 25kHz) The code does the search with 0.5kHz steps, the original code used a 2kHz step for same purpose.

psykokwak-com commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I forked this project to make it working on an ESP8266/ESP32 because this is what I mainly use on my projects. But this code is for test purposes and I have no goal to make a full featured project. I'm not sure to improve it unless someone send pull requests. So, to answer to you questions :

GSzabados commented 2 years ago
  • determine the low frequency and the high frequency then to take the frequency in the middle.

I did run my device with either 2 or 2.5kHz steps, before I managed to get it right for my meter the wait time between the first and second messages. I was monitoring with an RTL SDR, so I saw when the meter was replying but it hasn't read the values from the answer correctly did not stop the frequency cycle. The high end causes that the meter replies on a full bandwidth spectrum I believe, otherwise, it just replies around the frequency of the wake up signal. Finding a single frequency is absolutely enough. The original purpose was the same, just hit a right frequency, the tolerance is huge.

xekil commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your answers, I will continue in English then :)

Patbob86 commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody! Thanks for this project I am working on for a few days, unfortunately without success, as I can't get any answer from my Water Counter. I use Arduino IDE and I have setup my parameters (wifi, Mqtt, year and Counter number without the first zeros). I tried a lot of times to connect and scan using the piece of code to find the right frequency in everblu-meters-esp8266.ino, but absolutely no answers at all.. I tried many times, at small distance from the counter (1 meter, 10 meters....). Maybe my Counter is broken ??!

I use a D1 Mini and the CC1101 module is a E07-M1101D-SMA. The connections between the M1101 module and the D1 Mini seem ok, because I can monitor the sound of the transmission on a Walky Talky according to the frequency displayed on the terminal during the scan. I don't have a RTL SDR radio module to listen the spectrum.

Is there a specific setup for the M1101D card? In the different other projects I could find, there is a different value for the GDO0.. Some of them say

define GDO0 0 //header 11

and other, like psykokwak, say

define GDO0 5 //header 11

What is the differences in this setting? I tried both, but nothing better... Merci pour votre aide!

GSzabados commented 2 years ago

Some of them say

define GDO0 0 //header 11

and other, like psykokwak, say

define GDO0 5 //header 11

What is the differences in this setting? I tried both, but nothing better...

That is telling the Wemos D1 that which GPIO pin is connected to the GDO0 of the CC1101.

Please open a separate issue, state what is the model of your meter and what is the serial debug showing when it is unable to read the meter. And please state as well when did you try to communicate with the meter.

Patbob86 commented 2 years ago

Hi. Thanks for reply. Ok I will open an other issue to describe my counter..

That is telling the Wemos D1 that which GPIO pin is connected to the GDO0 of the CC1101.

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.. The GDO0 of the CC1101 (M1101D) is pin 3. And it is connected to the Wemos D1Mini to pin D1 as recommended .. so I don't see the meaning of 0 or 5 in the setting of GD0: With my wiring, do I put #define GDO0 0 or #define GDO0 5 ?

GSzabados commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean..

Open another issue, and I will explain it there.