psyplot / psy-view

An ncview-like GUI with psyplot
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CHANGE FEATURE: include more possibilities to select the projections #9

Closed Chilipp closed 4 years ago

Chilipp commented 4 years ago


The pushbutton to select the projection should be replaced or extended by a better control.


The button is rather uncomfortable and slow, and it limits the available projections.

Detailed explanation

The basemap is handled via the projection formatoption that can have strings or cartopy projections. Now idea what the best solution is here to include it in the GUI. Any idea @tobstac?

tobstac commented 4 years ago

I would expect a drop down menu to work best, as it directly displays the available possibilities together with a fast way to choose one.

Chilipp commented 4 years ago

Alright. Do you think, it's enough to list the possibilities listed in the projection formatoption docs? I.e. ['cf', 'northpole', 'ortho', 'southpole', 'moll', 'geo', 'robin', 'cyl', 'stereo', 'near', 'rotated']. Or should we add all available projections from cartopy?

tobstac commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think this should be fine. After all, it would be easy for users to request an additional projection it the need arises.

tobstac commented 4 years ago

Just realized 'Yes' isn't a good answer for a 'This or that' question. I mean it should suffice to limit the projections to the ones listed in the docs.

Chilipp commented 4 years ago

Alright, I'll add a Toolbutton. When you click on it, you'll have the current behavior, when you hold it, you see a drop-down menu with the available projections. I'll let you know when this is done and it would be great if you could test it :smiley: