pszufe / SimpleHypergraphs.jl

A simple hypergraphs package for the Julia programming language
MIT License
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Accelerate to calcuration modularity #34

Open Inazuma110 opened 4 years ago

Inazuma110 commented 4 years ago

SimpleHypergraphs.jl version v1.6.0

This line takes time. I succeeded acceleration. I confirm this program works correctly and fast some hypergraphs and partitions.

    mr = 0
    v = 0
    for i in 1:nhv(h) v += length(gethyperedges(h, i)) end
    dict = Dict([])
    for i in 1:nhe(h)
      dict[length(getvertices(h, i))] = get(dict, length(getvertices(h, i)), 0) + 1

    va = Dict([i => 0.0 for i in 1:length(partition)])
    for (i, cluster) in enumerate(partition)
      for node in cluster va[i] += length(gethyperedges(h, node)) end
      va[i] /= v

    for (key, val) in dict
      tmp = 0
      for (key2, val2) in va
        tmp += (val2 ^ key)
      tmp *= val
      mr += tmp

    # (sum(eP) - sum( ha.Ed[d]*sum(volP_volV.^d) for d in 1:ha.max_hes)) / nhe(h)
    (sum(eP) - mr) / nhe(h)

However, I can't description why acceleration... (Originally, I was improving other line.) So you can ignore and close this issue. Please refer this program if you like. And sorry my poor English. Thank you.

pszufe commented 4 years ago

Hello thank you for the feedback.

I tried to run your code. In my tests (see below) your code takes twice as long to compute. Could you perhaps update the test below with an example illustrating a case where your code is actually faster? Additionally, in case of degenerate hypergraphs, yields wrong results (but this should be fairly easy to repair if the performance is good).

using SimpleHypergraphs
using Random
using StatsBase
using BenchmarkTools
m = sample([nothing, true], Weights([0.8,0.2]),(30,30))
h = Hypergraph(m)

part = SimpleHypergraphs.randompartition(h,5)
ha = SimpleHypergraphs.HypergraphAggs(h)

function modularity2(h::Hypergraph, partition::Vector{Set{Int}},
    @boundscheck sum(length.(partition)) == nhv(h)
    @boundscheck union(partition...) == Set(1:nhv(h))
    volP_volV = [sum(ha.deg_vs[i] for i in p)/ha.volV for p in partition]
    eP = [count(i-> ha.hes[i]>0 && (keys(h.he2v[i]) ⊆ p), 1:nhe(h)) for p in partition]
    mr = 0
    v = 0
    for i in 1:nhv(h) v += length(gethyperedges(h, i)) end
    dict = Dict([])
    for i in 1:nhe(h)
      dict[length(getvertices(h, i))] = get(dict, length(getvertices(h, i)), 0) + 1

    va = Dict([i => 0.0 for i in 1:length(partition)])
    for (i, cluster) in enumerate(partition)
      for node in cluster va[i] += length(gethyperedges(h, node)) end
      va[i] /= v

    for (key, val) in dict
      tmp = 0
      for (key2, val2) in va
        tmp += (val2 ^ key)
      tmp *= val
      mr += tmp

    # (sum(eP) - sum( ha.Ed[d]*sum(volP_volV.^d) for d in 1:ha.max_hes)) / nhe(h)
    (sum(eP) - mr) / nhe(h)

And now the tests:

julia> modu1 = @btime modularity($h,$part,$ha);
  12.700 μs (211 allocations: 8.27 KiB)

julia> modu2 = @btime modularity2($h,$part,$ha);
  21.500 μs (377 allocations: 11.29 KiB)

julia> modu1 ≈ modu2
Inazuma110 commented 4 years ago

First, generate hypergraph. It has clearly some clusters.

function create_hypergraph(npcs, hepcs, he_rate=0.5, noise=10)
  node_num = 0
  he_num = 0
  clusters = length(npcs)
  for npc in npcs
    node_num += npc
  for hepc in hepcs
    he_num += hepc
  h = Hypergraph{Int64}(node_num, he_num)
  step = 1
  fin_node = 1
  for (npc, hepc) in zip(npcs, hepcs)
    for i in 1:hepc
      # he_size = rand(1:npc)
      he = randsubseq(fin_node:fin_node+npc-1, he_rate)
      he = [(i in he ? 1 : nothing) for i in 1:nhv(h)]
      for (j, v) in enumerate(he)
        h[j, step] = v
      step += 1
    fin_node += npc

  for i in 1:noise
    he = randsubseq(1:node_num, 0.5)
    he = Dict([i => 1 for i in he])
    add_hyperedge!(h, vertices=he)

h = create_hypergraph([100 for i in 1:5], [20 for i in 1:5], 0.5, 4)
rp = randompartition(h, 30)

Generated like this incidence matrix. image

julia> mod1 = @btime modularity(h, rp)
  589.906 μs (3526 allocations: 194.89 KiB)

julia> mod2 = @btime modularity2(h, rp)
  222.981 μs (5718 allocations: 152.38 KiB)

And accelerate when using findcommunities.

julia> @benchmark findcommunities(h, cfm) BenchmarkTools.Trial: memory estimate: 335.32 MiB allocs estimate: 6643143

minimum time: 1.214 s (0.00% GC) median time: 1.781 s (3.26% GC) mean time: 1.911 s (3.10% GC) maximum time: 2.739 s (4.38% GC)

samples: 3 evals/sample: 1

- Using my modularity
julia> @benchmark findcommunities(h, cfm)
  memory estimate:  265.13 MiB
  allocs estimate:  10089341
  minimum time:     585.823 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      761.730 ms (7.58% GC)
  mean time:        976.228 ms (5.85% GC)
  maximum time:     1.728 s (6.59% GC)
  samples:          6
  evals/sample:     1

However, I understand that not everything is better.