pterhoer / FaceImageQuality

Code and information for face image quality assessment with SER-FIQ
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About the generalization of SER-FIQ algorithm #18

Closed liiiiiiiiil closed 4 years ago

liiiiiiiiil commented 4 years ago

Hi, Pterhoer: I use SER-FIQ(on-top model) algorithm in 3 scenarios: Face recognition,PersonReid, VehicleReid。However,It only performs well in Face recognition. In PersonReid and VehicleReid it performs worse than Niqe, Bris and Piqe. Do you have any idea why SER-FIQ perfroms badly in other scenarios? looking forward to your reply! Thanks

pterhoer commented 4 years ago

Hi liiiiiiiiil, In face recognition, you make use of a strong domain knowledge during the pre-processing of the face images. Therefore, the face images that are fed into the network are close to a perfect alignement. I am not familiar with PersonReid or VehicleReid, but I guess such the preprocessing/alignement is missing here and thus, the robustness/quality predictions are strongly dependent on the camera view. It could help to use the SER-FIW (same model) or the embeddings of the on-top model.

Best Philipp

liiiiiiiiil commented 4 years ago
