pterhoer / QMagFace

QMagFace: Simple and Accurate Quality-Aware Face Recognition (WACV 2023)
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training-related questions #13

Closed onlyadragon closed 4 months ago

onlyadragon commented 4 months ago

If I want to retrain on the CASIA-WebFace dataset now, but I didn't find any training code provided in the paper, only a pre-trained model was given. Should I retrain on the pre-trained model of MagFace and then incorporate the QMagFace method?

mihlefeld commented 4 months ago

QMagFace works on top of a fully trained MagFace model. If you want to use QMagFace with a MagFace model trained on CASIA-WebFace, then you first need to train MagFace using the code they published for that. Then you can incorporate QMagFace by using the provided train function. For an example how to use the function you can look at one of the experiments.