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Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group (PPG) taxonomic system for ferns and lycophytes
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Recognize Baja (segregated from Cheilanthes) [PASSED] #49

Open crothfels opened 8 months ago

crothfels commented 8 months ago

Author(s) of proposal

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Name of taxon


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Approximate number of species affected


Description of change

Transfer the species long known as Cheilanthes brandegeei D.C. Eaton to the (monotypic) genus Baja.

Reason for change

Endemic to Baja California, Mexico, is an enigmatic cheilanthoid long treated as Cheilanthes brandegeei D.C. Eaton. Phylogenetic analyses (George et al. 2019) however, demonstrate that this species, together with its sister lineage, Bommeria, constitutes a deeply isolated lineage within cheilanthoids, far from the hemionitid clade that contains the type of Cheilanthes (Windham et al. 2009). However, Bommeria is quite different, morphologically, from the brandegeei taxon (most conspicuously brandegeei has pinnately divided leaves vs the entire leaves of Bommeria, and a well-developed false indusium whereas the sori in Bommeria are acrostichoid), and thus George et al. created a new genus for it: Baja.

The only alternatives, in terms of recognizing ony monophyletic taxa, would be to treat brandegeei in Bommeria, where it is morphologically anomalous (and thus reducing the cohesiveness and diagnosability of Bommeria) or to extend the circumscription of Cheilanthes to encompass both the generic type and brandegeei. However, this enlarged "Cheilanthes" clade would include nearly all cheilanthoids (only Calciphilopteris would remain unaltered) and would need to be treated as Hemionitis rather than Cheilanthes (Hemionitis is the older name so has priority).

George et al. - 2019 - Baja A New Monospecific Genus Segregated .pdf Windham et al. - 2009 - Using plastid and nuclear DNA sequences to redraw .pdf

Reference(s) for publication of the name

George et al. - 2019 - Baja A New Monospecific Genus Segregated .pdf

List the numbers of any related issues

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Code of Conduct

joelnitta commented 6 months ago

This proposal was voted on during PPG Ballot 6 (voting period December 2023). A total of 60 votes were cast. There were 54 'Yes' votes (90%) and 6 'No' votes (10%). The proposal passes.