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Priority of Crypsinoideae over Drynarioideae and inclusion of Synammia [PASSED] #52

Open choess opened 8 months ago

choess commented 8 months ago

Author(s) of proposal

Chris Hoess

Name of taxon


Rank of taxon


Approximate number of species affected


Description of change

The subfamilial name Crypsinoideae B.K.Nayar (based on Crypsinus C.Presl) was published in 1970 and should be used in preference to Drynarioideae Crabbe, Jermy & Mickel (based on Drynaria (Bory) J.Sm.), published in 1975. Furthermore, Synammia, incertae sedis in PPG I, should be placed within this subfamily.

Reason for change

Wei and Zhang (2022) observed that the senior name for the subfamily Drynarioideae, as circumscribed in PPG I, encompassing "drynarioid" and "selligueoid" ferns, is in fact Crypsinoideae.

Nayar published Crypsinoideae in 1970 (Taxon 19: 234) to accommodate "the crypsinoid genera" of Copeland in Genera Filicum (1947), based on Crypsinus C.Presl. This circumscription is not entirely clear, but probably more or less corresponds with the "selligueoid" ferns of subsequent authors, i.e., Selliguea, Arthromeris, Gymnogrammitis, Paraselliguea and Polypodiopteris of PPG I, or simply Selliguea s.l.

Crabb, Jermy & Mickel published Drynarioideae in 1975 (Fern Gaz. 11: 156) as part of an arrangement for the fern herbarium. They placed the selligueoids or crypsinoids in Microsoroideae, but erected a new subfamily for the drynarioids (Drynaria of PPG I).

Schneider et al. (2004) observed that the drynarioids and selligueoids are sister clades, and the two groups were placed in Drynarioideae in PPG I. Wei & Zhang (2022) applied the senior name, Crypsinoideae, and also identified Synammia as basal to the combined drynarioides and selligueoids, including it within the subfamily.

In summary, it is proposed to adapt the subfamily Crypsinoideae as circumscribed by Wei & Zhang as a division of Polypodiaceae, including both Drynarioideae sensu PPG I and Synammia sensu PPG I and replacing Drynarioideae. The precise circumscription of Selliguea in PPG II is not treated by this proposal.

Reference(s) for publication of the name

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Code of Conduct

joelnitta commented 6 months ago

This proposal was voted on during PPG Ballot 6 (voting period December 2023). A total of 51 votes were cast. There were 48 'Yes' votes (94.1%) and 3 'No' votes (5.9%). The proposal passes.