To maintain the monophyly of Oreogrammitis, three new genera, Calligrammitis, Devolia, and Glabrigrammitis have been proposed to accommodate the three clades outside of the core group of Oreogrammitis.
Reason for change
Our recent study (Zhou et al., 2023) showed that the Old-World genus Oreogrammitis sensu Parris (2007, 2013b), Kuo & al. (2019), and Parris & Sundue (2020) is polyphyletic but is resolved into four clades: the core Oreogrammitis, the O. beddomeana clade (O. beddomeana and allies), the O. subevenosa clade (O. nuda + O. subevenosa), and the monospecific O. orientalis clade. The O. beddomeana clade and the O. subevenosa clade are paraphyletic in relation to the core Oreogrammitis + (Archigrammitis + Prosaptia s.l.). The O. orientalis clade is distantly related to the core Oreogrammitis and weakly supported as sister to a clade containing Ctenopterella khaoluangensis (Boonkerdia) and Tomophyllum. The long branches and isolated relationships of each of the three clades outside of the core group of Oreogrammitis suggested that none of them can be placed in any existing genera taxonomically. Therefore, they have recently been described as Calligrammitis (O. beddomeana and allies), Devolia (O.orientalis), and Glabrigrammitis (O. subevenosa and allies), respectively (Yang & al., 2023).
Calligrammitis is similar to those species assigned to Radiogrammitis (now in Oreogrammitis) in having radial rhizomes but is distinguishable from the latter by having no scales (vs. often having scales in the latter) on rhizomes and in lacking sporangial setae (Parris et al. 2015).
Devolia differs from Oreogrammitis in having rhizome scales sometimes with an apical seta, and branched hairs with setae as branches (Knapp & Hsu 2017), whereas Oreogrammitis has glabrous rhizome scales and usually lacks branched hairs with setae as branches.
Glabrigrammitis differs from Oreogrammitis in glabrous, rather than setose sporangia and also differs from nearly all species of Oreogrammitis in having branched hairs with setae as branches.
This proposal was voted on during PPG Ballot 10 (voting period April 2024). A total of 61 votes were cast. There were 49 'Yes' votes (80.3%) and 12 'No' votes (19.7%). The proposal passes.
Author(s) of proposal
Li-Bing Zhang, Xin-Mao Zhou
Name of taxon
Calligrammitis, Devolia, Glabrigrammitis
Rank of taxon
Approximate number of species affected
Description of change
To maintain the monophyly of Oreogrammitis, three new genera, Calligrammitis, Devolia, and Glabrigrammitis have been proposed to accommodate the three clades outside of the core group of Oreogrammitis.
Reason for change
Our recent study (Zhou et al., 2023) showed that the Old-World genus Oreogrammitis sensu Parris (2007, 2013b), Kuo & al. (2019), and Parris & Sundue (2020) is polyphyletic but is resolved into four clades: the core Oreogrammitis, the O. beddomeana clade (O. beddomeana and allies), the O. subevenosa clade (O. nuda + O. subevenosa), and the monospecific O. orientalis clade. The O. beddomeana clade and the O. subevenosa clade are paraphyletic in relation to the core Oreogrammitis + (Archigrammitis + Prosaptia s.l.). The O. orientalis clade is distantly related to the core Oreogrammitis and weakly supported as sister to a clade containing Ctenopterella khaoluangensis (Boonkerdia) and Tomophyllum. The long branches and isolated relationships of each of the three clades outside of the core group of Oreogrammitis suggested that none of them can be placed in any existing genera taxonomically. Therefore, they have recently been described as Calligrammitis (O. beddomeana and allies), Devolia (O.orientalis), and Glabrigrammitis (O. subevenosa and allies), respectively (Yang & al., 2023).
Calligrammitis is similar to those species assigned to Radiogrammitis (now in Oreogrammitis) in having radial rhizomes but is distinguishable from the latter by having no scales (vs. often having scales in the latter) on rhizomes and in lacking sporangial setae (Parris et al. 2015).
Devolia differs from Oreogrammitis in having rhizome scales sometimes with an apical seta, and branched hairs with setae as branches (Knapp & Hsu 2017), whereas Oreogrammitis has glabrous rhizome scales and usually lacks branched hairs with setae as branches.
Glabrigrammitis differs from Oreogrammitis in glabrous, rather than setose sporangia and also differs from nearly all species of Oreogrammitis in having branched hairs with setae as branches.
Reference(s) for publication of the name
Kuo et al. 2019_Updating Taiwanese pteridophyte checklist-a new phylogenetic classification .pdf
Parris & Sundue 2020_Oreogrammitis redefined.pdf
Yang et al. 2023-Calligrammitis, Devolia, and Glabrigrammitis.pdf
Zhou, Yang et al. 2023_Grammitid ferns_Taxon.pdf
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