pterodactyl / panel

Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
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Configuring a Server Network => don't work #2307

Closed GeistFighter closed 3 years ago

GeistFighter commented 3 years ago

I apologize in advance for errors of expression I am not English.

In this documentation that I had followed under version 0.7.X :

It is explained that to configure and attach a local server we use IP

But, after I switched to 1.0, it doesn't work anymore, it's very annoying.

GeistFighter commented 3 years ago

Finally I just changed the IPs in the configuration of the node which was and I put everything in and it works.

I don't know if that's how it should work.

TheFlash787 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this too.

Whilst using in the server allocation should work (as previously), it doesn't seem to in the latest 1.0-RC builds. Using does work, but shouldn't be necessary.

Thank you! ❤️

parkervcp commented 3 years ago

In 0.7/0.6 it replaces the in the config with a on start. That is specific to certain configs I believe.

In the guide it says to use for a reason.

DaneEveritt commented 3 years ago

It's bugged, it should still be auto replacing

williammck commented 3 years ago

Seeing the same issue, previously the Daemon would replace allocations of with when binding the ports in Docker. Looks like Wings is not doing that.

before migration to Wings:

cc8fcef5a671        561f7d202979                    "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   2 months ago        Up 2 months>50002/tcp,>50002/udp         082cbe06-d2f0-4973-b3c3-8f6c0c90ed41
40bb010fbde3        561f7d202979                    "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   2 months ago        Up 2 months>50004/tcp,>50004/udp         a83c0646-8c8c-437d-beff-bec90d220a02
a1603fc5bbea        561f7d202979                    "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   2 months ago        Up 2 months>50003/tcp,>50003/udp         302b9634-b99c-483c-83ce-db4f84e12ae5

after migration to Wings:

465d7ffc0ac3   "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   11 seconds ago       Up 9 seconds>50002/tcp,>50002/udp           082cbe06-d2f0-4973-b3c3-8f6c0c90ed41
b5905aeb390f   "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   42 seconds ago       Up 41 seconds>50003/tcp,>50003/udp           302b9634-b99c-483c-83ce-db4f84e12ae5
c3c1da542fc7   "/bin/bash /entrypoi…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>50004/tcp,>50004/udp           a83c0646-8c8c-437d-beff-bec90d220a02
arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

It's bugged, it should still be auto replacing

If this is a bug, should be considered as a feature. Use instead of is waaay better.

schrej commented 3 years ago

Actually, we should just make hostnames of containers predictable (and I think they are already) and show them in the panel. That way you can just connect to the containers directly, which would also eliminate the need for the firewall rules.

DaneEveritt commented 3 years ago

I'm not doing anything special in the current Nodejs code for this @schrej. All it does is replace allocations for with the pterodactyl0 interface. 👍

And I think the Bungeecord egg at least has a config value that does the same. This feature needs to be added back anyways, its a massive BC break and I really don't want to have a flood of support volume from that.

arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

I'm not doing anything special in the current Nodejs code for this @schrej. All it does is replace allocations for with the pterodactyl0 interface. 👍

And I think the Bungeecord egg at least has a config value that does the same. This feature needs to be added back anyways, its a massive BC break and I really don't want to have a flood of support volume from that.

0.7 you had to create allocations for and then you had to put in the bungee config, it's messy, even tho we know why not everyone does, etc.

And now in 1.0, we just create allocations with and put the same in the config. That's easier to work with, and understand.

I don't think this should be considered as a bug. (And even if it is, this is a good one that improves UX).

arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

Instead of adding back, just update the page that talks about it. It's really easy for people migrating from 0.7 to 1.0 to change, they just have to change their "" allocations for "", everything else is the same.

DaneEveritt commented 3 years ago

I'd rather just make it work the same way, its not the end of the world to make auto-link to pterodactyl0, and it allows you to use the same logic for Docker and non-docker (if we ever get there) environments. We can always just make the documentation update to not bother discussing specifically, however for a lot of new people that is just easier for them to reason about.

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

help me, i still cannot connect to server, im new at pterodactyl

arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

help me, i still cannot connect to server, im new at pterodactyl

Hello, you need to configure your firewall and bungee correctly. Here's how i did it:

Server Allocations (s1, bungee and lobby in that order): Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 19 08 32

Bungee config: Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 19 09 01

Firewall: Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 19 13 15

This is the command (using ufw) for allowing the proxy to connect to port 24387: sudo ufw allow in on pterodactyl0 to port 24387 proto tcp

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

so the bungee i need to use my vps ip ?

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

in what should i put the ip ?

arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

so the bungee i need to use my vps ip ?


in what should i put the ip ?

default, nothing

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

image im stuck here and got this error disconnected with: ReadTimeoutException : null

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

can you message me on discord ? here my discord нazιq#2653

H4zlq commented 3 years ago

so the bungee i need to use my vps ip ?


in what should i put the ip ?

default, nothing

so on spigot.yml i need to leave server-ip: blank here

arantesxyz commented 3 years ago

can you message me on discord ? here my discord нazιq#2653

I added you