pterodactyl / whmcs

WHMCS Module for Pterodactyl (v0.7.3 and higher)
MIT License
183 stars 77 forks source link

Cannot use custom panel port, cURL error #118

Closed madgigabit closed 2 years ago

madgigabit commented 2 years ago


I receive an error when I try to connect my panel to WHMCS.

I use my panel on custom port 5657, not the typical 8443. So I receive the error below:

SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'MY PANEL URL

I don't have the SSL on 8443, only 5657. How can I edit the PHP file to use 5657 instead of 8443?

Boy132 commented 2 years ago

You're mixing things up here: 8443 is the Wings port when using Cloudflare Proxy. The default https port for the Panel is 443. This port can be set in your Webserver Config.

EDIT: Also, for such problems you should visit the discord.

madgigabit commented 2 years ago

Yeah, and I got no help on the Discord. I don't use CloudFlare at all.

So my question is, what port is the PHP file actually initiating the connection to for the API?

I have my panel on 5657, my first node daemon is running API requests on 8081 and SFTP on 2022.

danny6167 commented 2 years ago

The module will attempt to connect to the default port for the specified protocol. 80 for https and 443 for https. After all, it is just a basic request to a web server.

Have you tried adding the port to the server address when you added it to the panel? It may or may not support that. I haven't tested myself.

Based on your error, you are hitting a website other than panel install because you didn't specify the port, or are using the wrong domain and it doesn't match the certificate you have setup. But again, use discord for support.

TrixterTheTux commented 2 years ago

Closing due to inactivity/belonging more to the support channels (and WHMCS doesn't have any official support for non-standard ports with how their setup workflow works for modules outside hardcoding them inside the module).