pthom / litgen

litgen: a pybind11 automatic generator for humans who like nice code and API documentation. Also a C++ transformer tool
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Issue with functions that have function pointers as parameters #10

Open renautomation opened 2 months ago

renautomation commented 2 months ago

In my code, I have stuff like this:

typedef retCode_t (*netReqCallback_t)(const netReq_t event,
                                                             const std::string req,
                                                             const std::string data,
                                                             const int32_t n);


class MyClassGateway {
    retCode_t regNetReqCallback(const netReqCallback_t callback);

Now, when I use litgen to expose regNetReqCallback to Python, the build is successful but in Python I get the following error:

>>> ret = regw.regNetReqCallback(network_callback)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: regNetReqCallback(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. (self: MyClass._MyClass.MyClassGateway, callback: retCode_t (netReq_t, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)) -> MyClass._MyClass.retCode_t

Invoked with: <MyClass._MyClass.MyClassGateway object at 0x7f30dc0091f0>, <function network_callback at 0x7f30dbfed6c0>

Did you forget to `#include <pybind11/stl.h>`? Or <pybind11/complex.h>,
<pybind11/functional.h>, <pybind11/chrono.h>, etc. Some automatic
conversions are optional and require extra headers to be included
when compiling your pybind11 module.

Now, when in the past I worked with manual pybind11 module creation, I fixed this issue by using the approach suggested here:

But how can I use the same approach by using litgen?

pthom commented 2 months ago

hello, I am the author of this SO question.

Concerning your issue, you will have to manually write a wrapper that uses a std::function, and use bindings for this wrapper (you could exclude also the original one via one of the exclude options)

renautomation commented 2 months ago

ahahah I didn't note that you were the author of that question... the related solution helped me so much!

Regarding your litgen solution, is the following procedure what you are suggesting?


If so, how can I tell litgen to generate the code for the wrapper function specified into the pybind11 module, instead of the original function in the header file processed by litgen.write_generated_code_for_files function?

pthom commented 2 months ago

Do not add your wrapper in the cpp pybind wrapper module, add it in an additional header that you tell litgen to also parse

renautomation commented 1 month ago

ok, coming back to this topic, I created a wrapper in a separated file Wrapper.h, that wraps the class member function regNetReqCallback that has the function pointer as parameter:

retCode_t regNetReqCallbackWrapper(MyClassGateway &self, std::function<std::remove_pointer_t<netReqCallback_t>> stdCallback) {
    static std::function<std::remove_pointer_t<netReqCallback_t>> callback = std::move(stdCallback);
    return self.regNetReqCallback(
        [](const netReq_t event, 
           const std::string req, 
           const std::string data, 
           const int32_t n) -> retCode_t {
                return callback(event, req, data, n);

After adding a couple of litgen options, it is now able to build and run on Python side, however I have to call the function like this:

ret = regNetReqCallbackWrapper(my_class_gateway_object, network_callback)

I'm wondering if there is a way for litgen, in the pybind module, to include the wrapper directly into the MyClassGateway::regNetReqCallback binding, so that in Python I could do:

ret = my_class_gateway_object.regNetReqCallbackWrapper(network_callback)

When in the past I worked with manual implementation of pybind11 module, I did it in this way:

py::class_<MyClassGateway>(m, "MyClassGateway")
    .def(py::init([]()  {
        < ... some code ... >
    .def("regNetReqCallback", [](MyClassGateway &self, std::function<std::remove_pointer_t<netReqCallback_t>> stdCallback) {
        static std::function<std::remove_pointer_t<netReqCallback_t>> callback = std::move(stdCallback);
        return self.regNetReqCallback(
            [](const netReq_t event, const std::string req, const std::string data, const int32_t n) -> retCode_t {
                return callback(event, req, data, n);
    }, py::arg("callback"))

but now I don't know how to instruct litgen to do that for me (if possible). I ask also because, for another class, I have a similar situation, i.e. function pointers as parameters, directly in the class constructor, so I really would like to instruct litgen to do that.

pthom commented 1 month ago

litgen will never be able to understand


This is advanced C++ dark black magic

You should use std::function with concrete params.