ptiede / Comrade.jl

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File polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits referenced in examples does not exist #319

Closed KajWiik closed 9 months ago

KajWiik commented 9 months ago

When running the example in, specifically

obseht = Pyehtim.load_uvfits_and_array(
                joinpath(dirname(pathof(Comrade)), "..", "examples", "PolarizedExamples/polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits"),
                joinpath(dirname(pathof(Comrade)), "..", "examples", "PolarizedExamples/array.txt"),

gives an error message

Loading uvfits:  /home/kjwiik/.julia/packages/Comrade/G7U3R/src/../examples/PolarizedExamples/polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits
ERROR: Python: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kjwiik/.julia/packages/Comrade/G7U3R/src/../examples/PolarizedExamples/polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits'
rohandahale commented 9 months ago

You may want to check if you have polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits and array.txt in the directory specified. Easier fix is just download that file from main branch/examples and just do obseht = Pyehtim.load_uvfits_and_array("polarized_gaussian_all_corruptions.uvfits", "array.txt", polrep="circ" )

KajWiik commented 9 months ago

OK, I certainly do not have that file but my point is that the example does not work without hand-tuning... I made a fresh install of Comrade and dependencies and followed the example carefully.

rohandahale commented 9 months ago

I understand your point now. The tutorial (dev) is based on v0.9 (main branch) and you are most likely using v0.8.1. To follow that tutorial, I would use latest Comrade#main (add Comrade#main).

KajWiik commented 9 months ago

Aha, so it is, tutorial is dev and not in sync with the default branch, got it, thanks! This may cause confusion with newcomers to Comrade in the current project.