ptitSeb / Barony

Barony Open Source Release. Version running on OpenPandora (with ARM support, OpenAL sound, and optimised for gl4es) and AmigaOS4 (with BigEndian changes, also using gl4es)
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amigaos4 build #2

Closed kas1e closed 5 years ago

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Builded amigaos4 version of CursedEdition, and it runs, show the window, show phrase "loading polygon models", and then crashes. I prinfs it a bit, and found that crash happens in the init.cpp file, in the function generatePolyModels().

It going till the place where comment "find front faces" placed, and then crashed in that loop , without till next part in that function called "find back faces". Probably can be again endian issues, but at least game itself in theory support big endian, as i have found in 3 files ifdefs for. But maybe there its forgotten, or it just another erorr , in compiler for example :)

Will try in meantime to build new version as well, as pinpoint on which line exactly crash happens.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Ah, to add, Barony have use of one single glu* function in opengl.cpp file: gluPerspective , so i had to replace it on:

void kas_gluPerspective(GLfloat fovy, GLfloat aspect, GLfloat znear, GLfloat zfar) { GLfloat xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

ymax = znear * tan(fovy * 0.008726646);
ymin = -ymax;
xmin = ymin * aspect;
xmax = ymax * aspect;

glFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, znear, zfar);


At least that works in other projects, and crash which i describe happens on the more initial stage, imho..

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Damn, in new version the start to use that crappy PhysFS :(( I always had problems with it :( Probably i need to stay with your previous version which you had hour ago, but then how we can test the same code at the same time ..

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I have seen that. And it's using latest PhysFS that need to be build from Mercurial repo.

You gluPerspective seems correct to me, and yeah, most of the time glu is not used much, exept for a few things like that.

I remember that generatePolyModel to be cpu intensive, I'm not surprised there could be bigendian issue on this one.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Do you mean even 3.0.1 version of PhysFS is old ? I will try probably to build it, just those usuall slashes problems vs PROGDIR: and stuff ..

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

v3? No that's fine. I meant v1 will not do it.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

As i see from sources of 3.0.1, they at least support big endianes, one problem less

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Mmm, maybe it's time I update to 3.0.1 also on my toolchain...

kas1e commented 5 years ago

And as far as i can see, it is now cleaner a lot than old versions. At least, as far as i can see, i need to add in the physfs_platform.h :

#elif defined(__amigaos4__) # define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_AMIGAOS4 1 # define PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POSIX 1 # define PHYSFS_NO_CDROM_SUPPORT 1

Create physfs_platform_amigaos4.c

In which just 4 functions:


#include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <limits.h>

#include "physfs_internal.h"

int __PHYSFS_platformInit(void) { return 1; /* always succeed. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformInit */

void __PHYSFS_platformDeinit(void) { /* no-op */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDeinit */

char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(const char *argv0) {

} /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir */

char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcPrefDir(const char *org, const char *app) {

} /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcPrefDir */

void __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs(PHYSFS_StringCallback cb, void *data) { } /* __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs */


So i only had to implement platformCalcBaseDir() and platformCalcBasePreDir()

I hope at least that nothing more need it :)

kas1e commented 5 years ago

They pretty much doing something with Barony :) There is lots of warnings and new errors .. I see you fix some of them (i have them on 8.2.0gcc as well), but i also have some more:

[ 1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/editor.dir/src/files.cpp.obj /amiga/Barony-master/src/files.cpp: In function ‘int physfsLoadMapFile(int, Uint32, bool, int*)’: /amiga/Barony-master/src/files.cpp:1552:62: error: ‘stoi’ is not a member of ‘std’ std::get(mapParameters) = std::stoi(parameterStr); ^~~~ /amiga/Barony-master/src/files.cpp:1563:64: error: ‘stoi’ is not a member of ‘std’ std::get(mapParameters) = std::stoi(parameterStr); ^~~~ /amiga/Barony-master/src/files.cpp:1574:64: error: ‘stoi’ is not a member of ‘std’ std::get(mapParameters) = std::stoi(parameterStr); ^~~~ make[2]: [CMakeFiles/editor.dir/build.make:327: CMakeFiles/editor.dir/src/files.cpp.obj] Error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:68: CMakeFiles/editor.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:128: all] Error 2

If i remove std:: , then pure "stoi" also erroring.. damn.. Those guys who "update" Barony are the same as authors or other ones ?:)

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

std::stoi(...) issue... It should be there with C++11 and more. You can also try to use atoi(..) instead

(authors of changes, well, it depends, original authors does a ot of things, but they are some external contributions too).

kas1e commented 5 years ago

I build phyfs for amigaos4 , through there implement normaly at moment only necessary for Barony function.

Can you also put os4 ifdefs there (at least at moment our compiler will not deal with):

I replace all stoi() on atoi() in the files.cpp, like this:

#ifdef __amigaos4__ std::get<LEVELPARAM_CHANCE_SECRET>(mapParameters) = std::atoi(parameterStr.c_str()); #else std::get<LEVELPARAM_CHANCE_SECRET>(mapParameters) = std::stoi(parameterStr); #endif

Then, there was error in the messages.cpp, about vsnprintf(), as it was:

#include "draw.hpp" #include "messages.hpp" #include "main.hpp"

So, to make messages.cpp compiles i had to swap it a bit: put "main.hpp" at top, like this:

#include "main.hpp" #include "draw.hpp" #include "messages.hpp"

Dunno why it matter for compiler, but probabaly because of way how includes including in those hpp files.

Then, in files scores.cpp , i meet with another error:

/amiga/Barony-master/src/scores.cpp:3088:53: error: ‘to_string’ is not a member of ‘std’ std::string filename = "savegames/savegame" + std::to_string(saveIndex);

Another issue of the same kind with our c++11 , so made the bug reports for both of them (stoi and to_string). At moment just commented this string out, as it anyway for "save game", while i even didn't start it :):

#ifdef __amigaos4__ std::string filename = "savegames/savegame"; //empty for now #else std::string filename = "savegames/savegame" + std::to_string(saveIndex); #endif

Then another issue at almost end of compilation, in interface.cpp:

error: ‘round’ is not a member of ‘std’

Damn, another one :) And while i create BZ for it too, i still dunno how to deal with.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Sure, I'll add those #ifdef tonight.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago


Also, that __amigaos4__ is defined by your compiler or should I add some Amigaos4 section to the cmake project?

kas1e commented 5 years ago

That define in the compiler , so all ok already.

Thanks ! Now i can build and link both (editor and barony itself) binaries. Now, have as expected issues with physfs , will try to fix it firstly. I only implement there __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir , but barony use it damn a lot :(

PHYSFS_init PHYSFS_isInit PHYSFS_deinit PHYSFS_close

PHYSFS_enumerateFiles PHYSFS_freeList PHYSFS_getDirSeparator PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode PHYSFS_getRealDir PHYSFS_getSearchPath PHYSFS_mkdir PHYSFS_mount PHYSFS_openWrite PHYSFS_setWriteDir PHYSFS_unmount PHYSFS_writeBytes

At moment i use posix variants, they of course didn't works as want it all with "/" everywhere, so trying to deal with step by step.

Once will be ready, will let you know :)

Thanks for help !

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Oh, by the way, there is 2 more ifdefs need it in editor.cpp and game.cpp, if you can add it plz as well:

#ifdef WINDOWS strcpy(outputdir, "./"); #elif __amigaos4__ strcpy(outputdir, "PROGDIR:.barony"); if ( access(outputdir, F_OK) == -1 ) mkdir(outputdir, 0777); #else char *basepath = getenv("HOME"); snprintf(outputdir, sizeof(outputdir), "%s/.barony", basepath); if ( access(outputdir, F_OK) == -1 ) mkdir(outputdir, 0777); #endif

Its the same for both files

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Ok, it's done.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Thanks ! I also deal with the physfs (by some ugly hacks, but whatever, is it only for that game), as well as had to change something in the game as well about those "patches" (while they use physfs, they still, do consuct and add those "/" and ":" in different places, so kind of mix of platform independant and platform dependant code, what is strange..). Anyway, binary now runs, open a windows, and bam ! same crash as before in the init.cpp's generatePolyModels() , while do "find front faces".. I may try to ask on Barony repo, if that part is endian aware, but something make me think that is not..

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I can see inside that function that the fread are not bigendian aware. I can try some fix (I'll use that amigaos4__ defined).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Ok, I have pushed some tentative fixes... If you can try it.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Oh ! Some very good progress ! No more crashes in generation of models, and i even can run Editor already as well as game itself:

Through editor at some point give visual garbage and crashes, as well as Barony looks a bit odd by colors seems so, as well as missing textures (looks like?) , as well as before i can go to menu, i flooded in the debug log by lots of bad memory accesses , coming from the AssignActions() function placed in maps.cpp.

Probabaly there still issues with that sucking physfs and "/" things , so maybe its better to grab previous version where you have coursed edition, and where wasnt' physfs added, and tryed it with your path. What you think ?

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

I think the bad color are due to then conversion of SDL_Surface format. Missing are maybe caused by phyfs, but there a few games out there that use physfs, so a working version could really be interresting for you I guess. Using older version of code means back porting all the BigEndian convertion stuff from files.cpp/files.hpp, plus all other fixes that are still needed (at least for texture color), so it's still a lot of work.

Also, note that I do have missing texture issue for now on the Pandora. They are caused by the SDL2 version I use (2.0.8 in my last testing), and it was ok with an older version (2.0.5 probably, not sure), but I'm unsure if the issue is because of SDL2, or because some added code for the Pandora.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

I just backport your freadBE/fwriteBE changes to the old cursed edition, and it seems to runs fine too, at least i the same can pass the generation of models, and then it the same bring on me bad memory accesses from assignActions() function.. I.e. its not physfs or patches related then :( maybe again ednianes crap.. Will try to printf() from which line crash come exactly

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Builded with -gstabs, so stacktrace point our me right on the crashes line in the assingnActions() : it is part for "add lava lights" :

if ( lavatiles[map->tiles[y * MAPLAYERS + x * MAPLAYERS * map->height]] ) { lightSphereShadow(x, y, 2, 128); }

crashlog point out on line with "if".

It's code right at begining of assignActions() function . I for sake of tests tryed to comment it out at all (that whole "if" block), then it crashes futher, in the paths.cpp, in function fillPathMap(), in that part:

if ( !foundWallModifier && !foundObstacle ) { int index = v * MAPLAYERS + (u + 1) * MAPLAYERS * map.height; if ( !map.tiles[OBSTACLELAYER + index] && (pathMap == pathMapFlying || (map.tiles[index] && !(swimmingtiles[map.tiles[index]] || lavatiles[map.tiles[index]]) )) ) { pathMap[v + (u + 1)*map.height] = zone; repeat = true; } } On second "if" (that big line). And it seems it have connection with checkTileForEntity() function. At least, in stack trace i see that there is first was call to the 'list_t* list = checkTileForEntity(u + 1, v);'

And then crashed line that if. Dunno if it can be related to my commented out part about lava for now..

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

What commented part?

kas1e commented 5 years ago

I mean part from where first crash come: from assignActions() part about "add lava light". That one where first crash come, and for sake if tests i comment out that " if" block (was in hope all will continue well after, but it lead to another crash)

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Ah ok, I see. For now, I'm trying to figured out why texture are messed up. When this is fixed, I'll look at this issues (probably bigendian stuff).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

So last commit should have fixed the missing texture. It may also fixed the bad color (not 100% sure).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

And this commit e25b046306d66e3815cc573d9504759972d1b5cd should help for the crashes.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Have compiling errors in the writeBE on the line: char* p = tmp; error: cannot convert ‘char*’ to ‘char’ in initialization probably should be char p = (char )tmp; ?

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Oops, I have pushed a fix.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Yeah, rebuild with fix, and can say that with Editor it visually help that way : i can see mouse cursor now. With Barony itself, first crash gone, yeah ! But then it still crashes in the path.cpp , in the fillPathMap(), on the line 593. There :

else if ( entity->behavior == &actWallBuilder || entity->behavior == &actWallBuster ) { foundWallModifier = true; break; }

(but i still use Cursed Edition data files, but that probabaly should't lead to crash, right ?)

kas1e commented 5 years ago

And editor's palette window looks like this: (seems colors wrong ?)

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

I'll focus on the game for now, and will look at editor later (but yeah, palette seems wrong, I have to check later). The Cursed data shouldn't make it crash. I have to check why it could crash.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

The crash you have is strange, and I'm not sure why it happens there.

Because you are using modern gcc, maybe this -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks flag is needed? If this build flags is not enough, can you try to get more info on the crash, like does entity has a sensible address (well, probably not has this is the only chance for a crash in that line), but also is list and node have correct adresses.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

I just redownload everything, rebuild from scratch, and this second strange crash just gone ! Even without -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks flag !


Now had to check everything how it works and looks, etc. But at least i can switch to full screen :) Does it have FPS counter ?

But for brief look, something with fonts : line at bottom seems overwriten or shifted. Maybe even 2-3 pixels down. I.e. words "Introduction" and "Settings" quite visibly to looks wrong.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

I didn't need that flag on the Pandora, but as I didn't understood your crash, it was worth a shot. But yeah, rebuilding was also a good idea!

That look great :) I'm guessing it's smooth on your Amiga (it is smooth on the Pandora, that is less powerfull). Be sure to grab the book on the table on your left when you start and go to the first down 1 time at least to check the performances.

I don't remember having seen any fps counter, but you can use LIBGL_FPS=1 to have fps timing printed every second on the console as a workaround.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Is fonts renders correctly on pandora ? I have it also in all windowses where font renders. Also in settings many strings missing, but that imho can be because of differenced between edition's data files (or again physfs :) ). Will check it more today.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

I don't have super clean font rendering on the Pandora. It is looking similar to what you have on Amiga. I may have to check how the rendering is done...

kas1e commented 5 years ago

It looks like drawing itself (where it draws) are clean, just about last 3 lines of pixels didnt drawed, like too early ended part about drawing

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Btw, for you every running of binary are generated models ? Why i ask : for me is. While for editor some cache file created after first run, and then new runs are fast

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Yes it generate all the time for game. There is a parameter to use the cache but it's OFF by default.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Btw, is LIBGL_FPS works in latest gl4es ? Just tried and seems it didn't .. At least on amigaos4 it prints nothing when i run Barony or Q3 or prototype.

I also found a screenshot of blessed addition menu from win32:

Can see there that fonts renders correctly. So it probabaly or amigaos4 again, or general issue in sources we have now (or they, authors have).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Yes it's there, but probably not for Amiga because it's not using regular glXSwapBuffers(...). So I implemented the counter in amiga_post_swap() (commit pushed on gl4es repo)

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

About font rendering, yes, there is something odd, I'm working on it (I have the some on the Pandora, so maybe it's gl4es).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Drawing of text should be good now.

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Tested latest build : yes, MUCH cleaner look now, but there few issues (with amigaos4 build at least):

In the game itself there is something wrong : all text is black now. See screenshot:

In the main menu , and in all settings, etc, there is missing "black lines around the letters". I.e. some kind of effect which make letters looks good. Check for example that screenshot from win32:

And there is amigaos4 screenshot from about the same place:

See, on amigaos4 all letters/font are just white.

Also i note 2 other issues, but they can be probably because of unfinished physfs port , and so something just didn't loads which make it all looks like this. For example, in the main menu, i have big empty space between "Credits" and "Quit" words, see:

Also in settings, i have that kind of mess:

But that all probabaly because something just don't loads for me ... like some .txt or so.

Also FPS counter works for amigaos4 too now (thanks!) , and i have 30-60fps in the game's settings screen (depend on background's scene), and have about 30fps in the first level. That all with the 1280x720 + all extra options set (as on last screenshot). But i probably didn't have enabled your speedups defined via pandora, will try to do so

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Right, empty space between "credits" and "quit" was because of missing content (i used for tests en.txt from the repo, while should use GOG's one instead, so replaced, and there is no empty space, but "Custom Content" phrase now. That one less then.

Also checking "settings" and there almost all phrases in there now, just few missed (that probably i should use blessed edition's en.txt, instead of gog's one).

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

Yes, it's better in your case to use the lang files from the lang folder of the github, because thoses string are more linked to the binary than the data.

ptitSeb commented 5 years ago

You still don't have outline on fonts, even with latest commit?

kas1e commented 5 years ago

Seems so, but i may try to rebuild latest commit from scratch to be sure