ptitSeb / Serious-Engine

A port to the OpenPandora (and working fine on plain Linux) of the open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games. Status: Working (for both FE and SE).
GNU General Public License v2.0
74 stars 22 forks source link

Segmentation fault on Linux 64 #37

Open sdsddsd1 opened 3 years ago

sdsddsd1 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am trying to get serious-engine running on my musl based box. The code is compiled with clang without problems. (Gcc11 failed btw).
The menu starts up. However when starting the actual game, after the loading screen, it crashes with segmentation fault. On a quick glance it looks related to
I made a strace from the process, maybe this is helpful. Apologies for not using an actual pastebin but the file is 16mb in size (: . I made my own build script but it is identical with the

cd Sources
cmake -B second \

cd second
make ecc


Trotter73 commented 2 years ago


Seeing a similar issue on a Raspberry Pi4 running PiOS Bullseye, 64bit edition.

The game freezes halfway through the chain gun scene, it was built using the supplied build script.

ptitSeb commented 2 years ago

Mmm, the freeze at the chain gun scene, I have seen this already. I have a fix for ARM 32 already in, it probably need to be extended to ARM64, I'll have to check.

But I don't think this is relevent to this ticket about a Segfault.

Trotter73 commented 2 years ago

Hi !

Cool, great stuff, if you need a tester I'm available...

Ah OK, I must admit I didn't actually see a segfault, the Pi locked up fairly hard and I needed to pull the plug..

Thanks again !