ptitSeb / Serious-Engine

A port to the OpenPandora (and working fine on plain Linux) of the open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games. Status: Working (for both FE and SE).
GNU General Public License v2.0
74 stars 22 forks source link

Tremor sound offsets bug #45

Closed Skyrimus closed 2 years ago

Skyrimus commented 2 years ago

If using tremor like vorbis codec in TFE it getting Bug warning anytime if any sounds playing

SoundObject.cpp CSoundObject::SetOffset void

Line 325 ASSERT( fOffset>=0); if( fOffset<0) { CPrintF( "BUG: Trying to set negative offset (%.2g) in sound '%s' !\n", fOffset, (const char *) (CTString&)psoTail->so_pCsdLink->GetName()); fOffset = 0.0f; }

ptitSeb commented 2 years ago

Why did you closed it?