ptitSeb / box64

Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices
MIT License
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Error loading needed lib #1580

Closed tmahlstrom closed 1 week ago

tmahlstrom commented 2 weeks ago

I'm trying to run my own Unity game on my Pi 4. It looks like it's not able to find

Is that something I need to install separately? Apologies as I'm new to many of these things.

[user]@ledpi:~/Documents $ ./test_linux_1.x86_64 Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD CRC32 PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A72 with 4 Cores Params database has 25 entries Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.4 45c4117a built on Jun 12 2024 10:33:04 Using default BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/ Using default BOX64_PATH: ./:bin/ Counted 36 Env var Looking for ./test_linux_1.x86_64 Rename process to "test_linux_1.x86_64" Error loading needed lib Using native(wrapped) Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Error loading one of needed lib Error: loading needed libs in elf /home/[user]/Documents/test_linux_1.x86_64

ptitSeb commented 2 weeks ago

is this lib present?

tmahlstrom commented 2 weeks ago

I can't find it. Tried ldconfig -p | grep

Again, total linux amateur here. Is there a simple way to install it? sudo apt install doesn't work. Should I have to do this, or is it fishy that I would have to do this at all?

Very much appreciate the help.

Some more details: I installed box64 following this guide, and did end up installing version 0.2.4 for my pi 4. The latest version wasn't installing and one comment said that worked best for pi4. Could be that I only have 2GB.

I tried building the Unity game with mono and IL2CPP. Both got same error.

Edit: thinking more, the problem is likely that I'm using the older version of box64, yeah? If so, should I expect 2G to be enough to install this? Recommendation on swap file vs swap partition, if needed?

tmahlstrom commented 2 weeks ago

Welp, is created by Unity when it builds Linux games. I just wasn't carrying that over to the Pi.
