ptitSeb / box64

Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices
MIT License
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Error loading needed lib #1620

Closed musiconwax closed 2 months ago

musiconwax commented 3 months ago

I am trying to run the Active@ KillDisk software for linux on an m1 macbook pro. I have the lib in lib64 but when trying to run the software it always throws the same error as the title and ends with an error loading one of needed lib. Below is the output. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS SHA1 SHA2 USCAT FLAGM FLAGM2 FRINT PageSize:16384 Running on Icestorm-M1 Firestorm-M1 with 8 Cores Will use Hardware counter measured at 24.0 MHz emulating 3.0 GHz Params database has 69 entries Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.8 nogit built on May 22 2024 00:00:00 BOX64: Detected 48bits at least of address space Counted 22 Env var BOX64 LIB PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/ BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/root/bin/ Looking for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk Rename process to "KillDisk" Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Error loading needed lib Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Using native(wrapped) Error loading needed lib Using native(wrapped) Error loading needed lib Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Using native(wrapped) Error loading one of needed lib Error: Loading needed libs in elf /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk

musiconwax commented 2 months ago

Below is the console output with BOX64_LOG=2 for added information and context. I've tried copying the and the file it points to ( to other lib directories mentioned in the console which didn't seem to help any.

sudo BOX64_LOG=2 ./KillDisk Debug level is 2 Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS SHA1 SHA2 USCAT FLAGM FLAGM2 FRINT PageSize:16384 Running on Icestorm-M1 Firestorm-M1 with 8 Cores Will use Hardware counter measured at 24.0 MHz emulating 3.0 GHz Params database has 75 entries Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.9 5f06d066 built on Jun 27 2024 07:13:35 BOX64: Detected 48bits at least of address space Setting up canary (for Stack protector) at FS:0x28, value:91314800 Counted 30 Env var Env[00]: COLORTERM=truecolor Env[01]: HOSTNAME=atr-macbookpro Env[02]: HISTSIZE=1000 Env[03]: LANGUAGE= Env[04]: LC_ADDRESS=en_US.utf8 Env[05]: LC_NAME=en_US.utf8 Env[06]: LC_MONETARY=en_US.utf8 Env[07]: XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/xauth_vVdmUm Env[08]: LC_PAPER=en_US.utf8 Env[09]: LANG=en_US.utf8 Env[10]: LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:.tar=01;31:.tgz=01;31:.arc=01;31:.arj=01;31:.taz=01;31:.lha=01;31:.lz4=01;31:.lzh=01;31:.lzma=01;31:.tlz=01;31:.txz=01;31:.tzo=01;31:.t7z=01;;31:.z=01;;31:.gz=01;31:.lrz=01;31:.lz=01;31:.lzo=01;31:.xz=01;31:.zst=01;31:.tzst=01;31:.bz2=01;;31:.tbz=01;31:.tbz2=01;;31:.deb=01;31:.rpm=01;31:.jar=01;31:.war=01;31:.ear=01;31:.sar=01;31:.rar=01;31:.alz=01;31:.ace=01;31:.zoo=01;31:.cpio=01;31:.7z=01;31:.rz=01;;31:.wim=01;31:.swm=01;31:.dwm=01;31:.esd=01;31:.avif=01;35:.jpg=01;35:.jpeg=01;35:.mjpg=01;35:.mjpeg=01;35:.gif=01;35:.bmp=01;35:.pbm=01;35:.pgm=01;35:.ppm=01;35:.tga=01;35:.xbm=01;35:.xpm=01;35:.tif=01;35:.tiff=01;35:.png=01;35:.svg=01;35:.svgz=01;35:.mng=01;35:.pcx=01;;35:.mpg=01;35:.mpeg=01;35:.m2v=01;35:.mkv=01;35:.webm=01;35:.webp=01;35:.ogm=01;35:.mp4=01;35:.m4v=01;35:.mp4v=01;35:.vob=01;35:.qt=01;35:.nuv=01;35:.wmv=01;35:.asf=01;35:.rm=01;35:.rmvb=01;35:.flc=01;35:.avi=01;35:.fli=01;35:.flv=01;;35:.dl=01;35:.xcf=01;35:.xwd=01;35:.yuv=01;35:.cgm=01;35:.emf=01;35:.ogv=01;35:.ogx=01;35:.aac=01;;36:.flac=01;36:.m4a=01;36:.mid=01;36:.midi=01;36:.mka=01;36:.mp3=01;36:.mpc=01;36:.ogg=01;36:.ra=01;36:.wav=01;36:.oga=01;36:.opus=01;36:.spx=01;36:.xspf=01;36:~=00;90:#=00;90:.bak=00;90:.crdownload=00;90:.dpkg-dist=00;90:.dpkg-new=00;90:.dpkg-old=00;90:.dpkg-tmp=00;90:.old=00;90:.orig=00;90:.part=00;90:.rej=00;90:.rpmnew=00;90:.rpmorig=00;90:.rpmsave=00;90:.swp=00;90:.tmp=00;90:.ucf-dist=00;90:.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90: Env[11]: TERM=xterm-256color Env[12]: LC_IDENTIFICATION=en_US.utf8 Env[13]: DISPLAY=:0 Env[14]: LC_TELEPHONE=en_US.utf8 Env[15]: LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.utf8 Env[16]: LC_TIME=en_US.utf8 Env[17]: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/atr Env[18]: LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8 Env[19]: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin Env[20]: LOGNAME=root Env[21]: USER=root Env[22]: HOME=/root Env[23]: SHELL=/bin/bash Env[24]: SUDO_COMMAND=./KillDisk Env[25]: SUDO_USER=atr Env[26]: SUDO_UID=1000 Env[27]: SUDO_GID=1000 Env[28]: BOX64_PATH=.:bin Env[29]: BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:lib:lib64:x86_64:bin64:libs64 BOX64 LIB PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/ Looking for ./KillDisk Read 33 Section header Read 9 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 32) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 0) Loading SymTab (idx = 0) Loading Dynamic (idx = 25) The DT_INIT is at address 0x47a3d0 The DT_FINI is at address 0x7cef90 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x1216010 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 36 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x1216130 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_HASH is at address 0x400298 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x404d30 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x42ec08 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 17 RelA Table @0x42ef08 (0x3fb10/0x18) PLT Table @0x46ea18 (type=7 0xb9b8/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x124b000 The GOT Table is at address 0x124a608..0x124aff8 The PLT Table is at address 0x47a3f0..0x481fd0 The .gnu.version is at address 0x42d6ca The .text is at address 0x482010, and is 3460992 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0xf54480..0xfd35a0 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0xf3ca00 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 7) Loading DynSym (idx = 6) Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk" as #0 in elf collection Elf Addr(v/p)=0x400000/0x400000 Memsize=0xe56f58 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0xe56f58 byte at 0x400000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk Delta of (nil) (vaddr=0x400000) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk" Mmaping 0xc15944(0xc16000) bytes @0x400000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk" Allocating 0x70000 (0x1200000/0x40f48) bytes @0x1200000, will read 0x3cfa3 @0x1216010 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk" Rename process to "KillDisk" Calc stack size, based on 1 elf(s) Stack is @0xffff9b390000 size=0x800000 align=0x10 Allocate a new X86_64 Emu, with EIP=(nil) and Stack=0xffff9b390000/0x800000 Setup X86_64 Emu Grabbing R_X86_64_COPY Relocation(s) in advance for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk Prepending path "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk:/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib:/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/libs:/home/Alexei/Qt512/5.12.5/gcc_64/lib" to BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 31 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 28) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 30) Loading SymTab (idx = 29) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0xe390 The DT_FINI is at address 0x2bee4 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x236d38 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x236d40 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xa918 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xab40 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 3 RelA Table @0xabe0 (0x2d18/0x18) PLT Table @0xd8f8 (type=7 0xa98/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x238000 The GOT Table is at address 0x237f78..0x238000 The PLT Table is at address 0xe3b0..0xead0 The .gnu.version is at address 0xa40a The .text is at address 0xead0, and is 119828 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x2f2c8..0x36c6c The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x2dc10 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x2383a8 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x2383a8 byte at 0x7fff00000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff00000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x36c6c(0x37000) bytes @0x7fff00000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x70000 (0x7fff00200000/0x1670) bytes @0x7fff00200000, will read 0x1668 @0x7fff00236d38 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #1 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 31 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 28) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 30) Loading SymTab (idx = 29) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x21f88 The DT_FINI is at address 0x559cc The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x26cdc0 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x26cdd0 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x15d88 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x15fb0 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 7 RelA Table @0x160f0 (0x8400/0x18) PLT Table @0x1e4f0 (type=7 0x3a98/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x270000 The GOT Table is at address 0x26fe70..0x26ffe8 The PLT Table is at address 0x21fb0..0x246d0 The .gnu.version is at address 0x15302 The .text is at address 0x246d0, and is 201468 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x63ff8..0x6c5b4 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x62808 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x271480 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x271480 byte at 0x7fff01000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff01000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x6c5b4(0x6d000) bytes @0x7fff01000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0xe0000 (0x7fff01200000/0x46c0) bytes @0x7fff01200000, will read 0x45e0 @0x7fff0126cdc0 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #2 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x441d8 The DT_FINI is at address 0xce548 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x303a50 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 28 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x303b30 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x2fbb0 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x2fdd8 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 7 RelA Table @0x2fef8 (0x123c0/0x18) PLT Table @0x422b8 (type=7 0x1f20/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x30b000 The GOT Table is at address 0x309fa0..0x30aff0 The PLT Table is at address 0x44200..0x456d0 The .gnu.version is at address 0x2e650 The .text is at address 0x456d0, and is 560760 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0xeaac8..0x103a04 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0xe5d60 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x30c218 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x30c218 byte at 0x7fff02000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff02000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x103a04(0x104000) bytes @0x7fff02000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x214000 (0x7fff02200000/0x87c8) bytes @0x7fff02200000, will read 0x8138 @0x7fff02303a50 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #3 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x3a4b0 The DT_FINI is at address 0x14ba34 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x39dff8 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 3 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x39e010 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x26aa0 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x26cc8 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 5 RelA Table @0x26db8 (0xf3a8/0x18) PLT Table @0x36160 (type=7 0x4350/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x3a4000 The GOT Table is at address 0x3a3b80..0x3a3ff0 The PLT Table is at address 0x3a4d0..0x3d1c0 The .gnu.version is at address 0x258a4 The .text is at address 0x3d1c0, and is 1108084 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x16f690..0x19dfe4 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x167c00 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x3a6470 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x3a6470 byte at 0x7fff03000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff03000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x19dfe4(0x19e000) bytes @0x7fff03000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x348000 (0x7fff03200000/0x8478) bytes @0x7fff03200000, will read 0x76ec @0x7fff0339dff8 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #4 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 31 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 28) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 30) Loading SymTab (idx = 29) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x16138 The DT_FINI is at address 0x51fec The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x262bc0 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x262bd0 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xe518 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xe740 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 6 RelA Table @0xe830 (0x5aa8/0x18) PLT Table @0x142d8 (type=7 0x1e60/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x265000 The GOT Table is at address 0x264e10..0x264fe8 The PLT Table is at address 0x16160..0x175b0 The .gnu.version is at address 0xde48 The .text is at address 0x175b0, and is 240188 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x5a5e0..0x61f84 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x59328 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x265a68 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x265a68 byte at 0x7fff04000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff04000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x61f84(0x62000) bytes @0x7fff04000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0xcc000 (0x7fff04200000/0x2ea8) bytes @0x7fff04200000, will read 0x2e78 @0x7fff04262bc0 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #5 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x151780 The DT_FINI is at address 0x4bc628 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x81ce38 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 7 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x81ce70 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xc7c28 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xc7e50 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 6 RelA Table @0xc7f60 (0x7c6c8/0x18) PLT Table @0x144628 (type=7 0xd158/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x84a000 The GOT Table is at address 0x848720..0x849ff0 The PLT Table is at address 0x1517a0..0x15a340 The .gnu.version is at address 0xc23a4 The .text is at address 0x15a340, and is 3547880 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x57db40..0x61ca8c The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x562f78 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x84ed30 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x84ed30 byte at 0x7fff05000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff05000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x61ca8c(0x61d000) bytes @0x7fff05000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x6c000 (0x7fff05800000/0x31ef8) bytes @0x7fff05800000, will read 0x318c8 @0x7fff0581ce38 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #6 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x10498 The DT_FINI is at address 0x3bb64 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x245b08 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x245b10 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xbe98 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xc0c0 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 3 RelA Table @0xc160 (0x33c0/0x18) PLT Table @0xf520 (type=7 0xf78/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x247000 The GOT Table is at address 0x246ee0..0x246ff0 The PLT Table is at address 0x104c0..0x10f20 The .gnu.version is at address 0xb8dc The .text is at address 0x10f20, and is 175172 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x3dfc0..0x44c24 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x3ccc0 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x2476e0 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x2476e0 byte at 0x7fff06000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff06000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x44c24(0x45000) bytes @0x7fff06000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x90000 (0x7fff06200000/0x1bd8) bytes @0x7fff06200000, will read 0x1a40 @0x7fff06245b08 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #7 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0xd8880 The DT_FINI is at address 0x52ec8c The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x830378 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 11 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x8303d0 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xab208 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xab430 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 7 RelA Table @0xab550 (0x27918/0x18) PLT Table @0xd2e68 (type=7 0x5a18/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x840000 The GOT Table is at address 0x83ef20..0x83fff0 The PLT Table is at address 0xd88a0..0xdc4c0 The .gnu.version is at address 0xa6910 The .text is at address 0xdc4c0, and is 4532172 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x5a8ff8..0x62fab4 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x593800 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x84cde8 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x84cde8 byte at 0x7fff07000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff07000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x62fab4(0x630000) bytes @0x7fff07000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x80000 (0x7fff07800000/0x1ca70) bytes @0x7fff07800000, will read 0x16900 @0x7fff07830378 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #8 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 29) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 31) Loading SymTab (idx = 30) Loading Dynamic (idx = 22) The DT_INIT is at address 0x13ae8 The DT_FINI is at address 0x70a14 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x288e20 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x288e30 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0xe9e0 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0xec08 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 5 RelA Table @0xece8 (0x26a0/0x18) PLT Table @0x11388 (type=7 0x2760/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x28a000 The GOT Table is at address 0x289e70..0x289ff0 The PLT Table is at address 0x13b10..0x15560 The .gnu.version is at address 0xe2ba The .text is at address 0x15560, and is 373940 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x79c68..0x88adc The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x77440 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x28b378 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x28b378 byte at 0x7fff08000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff08000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x88adc(0x89000) bytes @0x7fff08000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x118000 (0x7fff08200000/0x2558) bytes @0x7fff08200000, will read 0x1f2c @0x7fff08288e20 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #9 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 35 Section header Read 11 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 32) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 34) Loading SymTab (idx = 33) Loading Dynamic (idx = 25) The DT_INIT is at address 0x84398 The DT_FINI is at address 0x395cdc The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x7874e0 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 4 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x787500 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 3 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x2d0 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x6a800 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 16 The DT_FLAGS is 0x1 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x6aa28 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 7 RelA Table @0x6abf8 (0x17d18/0x18) PLT Table @0x82910 (type=7 0x1a88/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x793000 The GOT Table is at address 0x792648..0x792ff8 The PLT Table is at address 0x843c0..0x85580 The .gnu.version is at address 0x6774c The .text is at address 0x85580, and is 3213148 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x503838..0x571704 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x4f363c Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x7981c8 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=32 (align=8) Pre-allocated 0x7981c8 byte at 0x7fff09000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff09000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x587434(0x588000) bytes @0x7fff09000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x324000 (0x7fff09600000/0x10ce8) bytes @0x7fff09600000, will read 0xcbc0 @0x7fff097874e0 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Loading TLS block #7 @0x6c80b810 (0x0/0x20) Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #10 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Faillure to create lib => fail Error loading needed lib Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 31 Section header Read 7 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 30) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 0) Loading SymTab (idx = 0) Loading Dynamic (idx = 24) The DT_INIT is at address 0xa768 The DT_FINI is at address 0x270b0 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x235600 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x235610 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_HASH is at address 0x1f0 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0xcc8 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x8388 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 5 RelA Table @0x8458 (0x10e0/0x18) PLT Table @0x9538 (type=7 0x1230/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x236000 The GOT Table is at address 0x235ea8..0x236000 The PLT Table is at address 0xa790..0xb3c0 The .gnu.version is at address 0x802a The .text is at address 0xb410, and is 113822 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x2b2b8..0x33e48 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x29110 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 5) Loading DynSym (idx = 4) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x236758 (align=0x200000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x236758 byte at 0x7fff0a000000 for /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Delta of 0x7fff0a000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Mmaping 0x3534c(0x36000) bytes @0x7fff0a000000 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Allocating 0x70000 (0x7fff0a200000/0x1158) bytes @0x7fff0a200000, will read 0x1038 @0x7fff0a235600 for Elf "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" Adding "/opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/" as #11 in elf collection Using emulated /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/lib/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 32 Section header Read 10 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 31) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 0) Loading SymTab (idx = 0) Loading Dynamic (idx = 24) The DT_INIT is at address 0x9c000 The DT_FINI is at address 0x1b6690 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x244530 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 17 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x2445b8 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 1 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x298 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x7c208 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 51 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x7c910 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 4 RelA Table @0x7cab0 (0x18d38/0x18) PLT Table @0x957e8 (type=7 0x6210/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x24efe8 The GOT Table is at address 0x24dfa0..0x24efe0 The PLT Table is at address 0x9c020..0xa0190 The .gnu.version is at address 0x790fe The .text is at address 0xa0270, and is 1139742 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x207b00..0x23b0b0 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x1fdc44 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x255140 (align=0x4000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=32 (align=8) Pre-allocated 0x255140 byte at 0x7fff0b000000 for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Delta of 0x7fff0b000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Mmapping 0x9c000 (0x9b9f8) bytes @0x7fff0b000000, will read 0x9b9f8 @0x7fff0b000000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x11c000 (0x7fff0b09c000/0x11a699) bytes @0x7fff0b09c000, will read 0x11a699 @0x7fff0b09c000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x8c000 (0x7fff0b1b7000/0x8cd98) bytes @0x7fff0b1b8000, will read 0x8cd98 @0x7fff0b1b7000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x14000 (0x7fff0b244000/0x10c10) bytes @0x7fff0b244000, will read 0xcd30 @0x7fff0b244530 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Loading TLS block #6 @0x6c991b00 (0x0/0x20) Adding "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" as #12 in elf collection Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Read 27 Section header Read 9 Program header Loading Sections Table String (idx = 26) Loading SymTab Strings (idx = 0) Loading SymTab (idx = 0) Loading Dynamic (idx = 20) The DT_INIT is at address 0x3000 The DT_FINI is at address 0x1db88 The DT_INIT_ARRAY is at address 0x22da8 The DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_FINI_ARRAY is at address 0x22db8 The DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ is 2 The DT_GNU_HASH is at address 0x260 The DT_VERDEF is at address 0x26c0 The DT_VERDEFNUM is 15 The DT_VERNEED is at address 0x28d0 The DT_VERNEEDNUM is 1 RelA Table @0x2930 (0x108/0x18) PLT Table @0x2a38 (type=7 0x4e0/0x18) The GOT.PLT Table is at address 0x22fe8 The GOT Table is at address 0x22fb8..0x22fe8 The PLT Table is at address 0x3020..0x3370 The .gnu.version is at address 0x2524 The .text is at address 0x3380, and is 108549 big The .eh_frame section is at address 0x1f358..0x21924 The .eh_frame_hdr section is at address 0x1ebf4 Loading DynSym Strings (idx = 4) Loading DynSym (idx = 3) Elf Addr(v/p)=(nil)/(nil) Memsize=0x23368 (align=0x4000) Elf Stack Memsize=1048576 (align=16) Elf TLS Memsize=0 (align=0) Pre-allocated 0x23368 byte at 0x7fff0c000000 for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Delta of 0x7fff0c000000 (vaddr=(nil)) for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x4000 (0x7fff0c000000/0x2f18) bytes @0x7fff0c000000, will read 0x2f18 @0x7fff0c000000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x1c000 (0x7fff0c003000/0x1ab91) bytes @0x7fff0c004000, will read 0x1ab91 @0x7fff0c003000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x4000 (0x7fff0c01e000/0x3924) bytes @0x7fff0c020000, will read 0x3924 @0x7fff0c01e000 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Allocating 0x4000 (0x7fff0c022000/0x5c0) bytes @0x7fff0c024000, will read 0x400 @0x7fff0c022da8 for Elf "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Adding "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" as #13 in elf collection Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Already present in maplib => success Trying to add "" to maplib Already present in maplib => success Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Trying to add "" to maplib Trying to load "" Simplified name is "" Using native(wrapped) Created lib and added to maplib => success Created lib and added to maplib => success Created lib and added to maplib => success Created lib and added to maplib => success Created lib and added to maplib => success Created lib and added to maplib => success Error loading one of needed lib Error: Loading needed libs in elf /opt/lsoft/KillDisk/KillDisk 10204|Free a X86_64 Emu (0x6c80cc00)

musiconwax commented 2 months ago

After much trial and error I eventually figured out that the libblkid just wasn't working and may have been corrupted. I made a fresh Ubuntu install to get the lib files from and after placing them in the killdisk lib directory, the software finally ran.